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A corrupt audio region was detected and padded with silence



I got this error message recently and I'm not sure what the quickest way is to get rid of it.  Everything sounds fine...it's just annoying to get the message now every time I reopen the project.  Is there any easy way to tell which track caused the problem?

I can go back to a previous version of the project and try to figure out how I got to the point that created this message but I'd rather just isolate the problem track and fix that instead.


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Don't know if it's changed or the same issue but I had a similar problem beginning a few years ago after an update. In my case I had to bounce any clips in the track together to stop them from being corrupted & padded. This would sometimes happen using Process- Apply affect- Gain or changing velocities or placements of individual clips in the track. The corruption would sometimes move the notes in the clip altogether. It could occur even if you trim those clips into new ones.

It might also be a plugin causing the problem.


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You might want to also rule out a hard drive issue causing this.  It may not be a hard drive issue, but if it is, you don't want to have this keep happening and possibly getting worse over time.

Check your Windows system Event viewer (Start + Run eventvwr ) for bad blocks on any hard drive.

You could also check your drives with CrystalDiskInfo https://crystalmark.info/en/

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I've isolated the problem to 5 guitar tracks.  If I delete those tracks the error goes away when reopening.

I'd like to find the easiest way to delete the 5 tracks from the current (error message) version and get them from a previous version a few days ago that doesn't have the error message.  I can Copy Special/Paste between the projects but I want to get the VST effects also and I don't want to freeze the tracks.

If I save the 5 tracks only from a previous version and delete the 5 tracks from the latest version (that has the error message) can I easily import the older 5 tracks only into the new version including their VST effects?  Then I can save that new version and I should be all set again.

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Yes, you could re-import them like that, or you could also just rename them to match the file names in the newer project (presumably altered by applying FX), and substitute the renamed files for the 'bad' ones. But I would only recomend that if you're sure the lengths are identical.

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I finally fix this today.  It ended up being one problem guitar track that I had done Process-Apply effect-Gain and also Fade Out.  and other audio adjustments.

I got rid of that track in the otherwise good project, fixed that isolated guitar track error message, and then added the guitar back to the project.   It wasn't fun and I'm still not 100% sure why it happened.  I had also muted a couple of split clips at the end of the track which might have been the real cause.

Thanks for your help!

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You want to know what's nuts?  I've had this issue, randomly, pop up for so many years now, and, still, today, in April, 2024, I get that ***** message.  I'm ok if something goes corrupt from time to time, but, for the love of God, point us toward the problem in the error message!  Which track or tracks?  Help us do something about it.  Don't leave these bugs in Cakewalk for so long!

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