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New Interface from Audient?

Larry Shelby

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I had students struggling with drivers with thise audient , drivers is key ...rme is king in that area ...

For the pic joke it s a way to say that not everything built in USA is good lol witch is true , made inchina stuff can be high quality to crap , depends on process and "cahier des charges "(Fleer you translate lol don't know the term in english) and QC ...

Do you guyz remeber the lexicon s interfaces ? Do they still make those ? Dac were great ...


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19 minutes ago, Zo said:

drivers is key ...rme is king in that area ...

About ASIO RME drivers I agree it is true... Never any problems noticed and  drivers were regularly updated even quite long time after my model was discontinued ( RME FF400 at one of my PCs).

But about 'entertainment' drivers they are not so good about integration. After few reinstalls (including whole OS, both win7 and win10) and tries I gave up and was forced to accept they are not cooperating well with Windows inbuilt controls (as trivial as volume inbuilt control)... 

Great card, great ASIO performance and ease management by RME controls but...  Well maybe I expect too much... As my comps are not dedicated only for music prod... They are kind of universal and for everything (expect games for which I have different separate BIOS profiles). And I do not tend to use many interfaces on single computer.

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56 minutes ago, Zo said:

not everything built in USA is good lol witch is true , made inchina stuff can be high quality to crap , depends on process and "cahier des charges "

An online service translates cahier des charges to specifications.

Agree with the comment above. I'm not an Apple fan and I don't have an iPhone, but iPhones are made in China and (for reasons I don't fully understand) generally considered extremely desirable.

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16 minutes ago, antler said:

An online service translates cahier des charges to specifications.

Agree with the comment above. I'm not an Apple fan and I don't have an iPhone, but iPhones are made in China and (for reasons I don't fully understand) generally considered extremely desirable.

Even RME makes their cheaper interfaces in China (Babyface). It's all about components and quality control. It's a huge difference when you use capacitors that cost a few cents or $20.

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15 hours ago, Christian Jones said:

I'm still rocking an RME 9632 PCI card. This thing is old, I can't believe they still sell it and not only do they but it's also $550 just for the PCI card and no XLR breakout cable - that's more than many new audio interfaces for a nearly obsolete PCI interface. I was gonna upgrade at some point to the RME UCX, though that's about $1300-1400 away for a used one. Some of these newer popular interfaces are pretty affordable, like the IK and Audient stuff. I wonder how they compare to RME's stuff.

I have an antique Babyface, and what amazes me about RME is that they still support the drivers.  Good people.

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4 hours ago, Piotr said:

About ASIO RME drivers I agree it is true... Never any problems noticed and  drivers were regularly updated even quite long time after my model was discontinued ( RME FF400 at one of my PCs).

But about 'entertainment' drivers they are not so good about integration. After few reinstalls (including whole OS, both win7 and win10) and tries I gave up and was forced to accept they are not cooperating well with Windows inbuilt controls (as trivial as volume inbuilt control)... 

Great card, great ASIO performance and ease management by RME controls but...  Well maybe I expect too much... As my comps are not dedicated only for music prod... They are kind of universal and for everything (expect games for which I have different separate BIOS profiles). And I do not tend to use many interfaces on single computer.

Strange , all runing super smooth here innwindows 8.1 , rme ucx 

Piotr the key is to have a dedicated driver for windows and set it as default 

i got 

Analog 1/2 and 3/4 for daw (1/2 going in monitors and 3/4 in headphones )

Analog 5/6 : all windows 

Those are he second raw in the console of RME ( virtuals) and then younchoose the routing to physical outputs (3rd raw ) and basta .

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My biggest mistake was my first audio interface was a Yamaha SW1000XG for $500 somewhere around the turn of the century.  I wasn't too bright about hardware and if I would have gotten a RME Hammerfall it would still be running.  M-Audio AP 2496 is probably the best budget car ever.   I have 2 of them in use on W10. 

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1 hour ago, Zo said:

Piotr the key is to have a dedicated driver for windows and set it as default 

Zo, I have only 1 interface connected to that PC so I guess it is no way not to be default...

Windows volume control behaves like controlling nothing. I can of course use RME controlls, panel is active every time (like I have any choice in this case ;) and working

but Windows built-in slider is little bit faster reachable  so would give a little bit experience.

If I changed volume just 1 time per week  it would not be any problem but ate rate few times per day gives irritation coefficient too high ;)

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19 minutes ago, Piotr said:

Windows volume control behaves like controlling nothing. I can of course use RME controlls, panel is active every time (like I have any choice in this case ;) and working

I'm not sure what's missing but you could try enabling loopback on some channel. That's how I was able to stream Cubase (using Hammerfall ASIO) over network although the remote desktop protocoli could only stream Windows audio. Maybe there is some trick I've forgot that enabled me to control level from the Windows volume slider but I've forgotten as I went through quite a few iterations of configs before I got the streaming to work. But TotalMix FX is your friend (and the Hammerfall DSP CP of course). 

Not the solution you were looking for, but if nothing else you can control TotalMix FX remotely e.g. using MIDI.

I've long been wanting to build a dedicated input device just for a handful specific tasks, global volume adjustment being one of them. I've been using the mouse and keyboard for 20+ years but aside from typing prose and programming I don't really enjoy using keyboard shortcuts.

EDIT; There is also AutoHotkey.

Edited by sarine
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43 minutes ago, sarine said:

I'm not sure what's missing but you could try enabling loopback on some channel. That's how I was able to stream Cubase (using Hammerfall ASIO) over network although the remote desktop protocoli could only stream Windows audio. Maybe there is some trick I've forgot that enabled me to control level from the Windows volume slider but I've forgotten as I went through quite a few iterations of configs before I got the streaming to work. But TotalMix FX is your friend (and the Hammerfall DSP CP of course)

Thanks when I am back at home in few days I will try with loopbacks. Not sure now if tried it.

44 minutes ago, sarine said:

But TotalMix FX is your friend (and the Hammerfall DSP CP of course). 

Yes, it is working. But I prefer when in entertainment mode use Windows Volume slider. Little bit faster and operating together with multimedia commands and keyboard.  And well, I would expect as in any other interfaces I ever use after install drivers Windows Volume slider is working without any hacks, ;)

46 minutes ago, sarine said:

Not the solution you were looking for, but if nothing else you can control TotalMix FX remotely e.g. using MIDI.

Thanks, this is not for me unfortunately. No MIDI device at hand when out of 'prod' mode. :)


50 minutes ago, sarine said:

I don't really enjoy using keyboard shortcuts.

I have multimedia keyboards and like to use multimedia keys ;)  But RME after install keeps Windows volume control useless in my case (both for keyboard and mouse :(

51 minutes ago, sarine said:

EDIT; There is also AutoHotkey.

Thanks, I will take a look if it would be improvement in my case.

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