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Plugin Alliance - bx_refinement 75% Off! ⚡ 24 Hours Only


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What is funny with these new voucher system... now if I had $25 voucher I could get it for $25 what would be not bad...

However if I spent more money last year in PA shop and had $50 (so limit 75) I would not have any interesting possibility... As with just single 24h deal I see nothing interesting to combine in that way to get similar deal like for $25 voucher...

Edited by Piotr
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agreed - even their $10 plugins are priced at $49

I suspect they haven't worked out the various problems with the preset limits - or if they have they don't care.

I'm gonna hang on to my voucher until something "fits" the pricing - which is kind of stupid.


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  On 1/10/2020 at 10:46 AM, simon said:

I suspect they haven't worked out the various problems with the preset limits - or if they have they don't care.


Clearly the key rule is: you can't get plugins for free. Of course if you buy nothing you will end up spending zero the same way.

If the voucher system is a way to reward loyal customers this higher limits are punishing them instead, somewhat.

Maybe a better system would be imposing this minimum spend no matter how much the voucher value is.

That way the customer would be able to get the plugins he/she wants, even at the expense of 'wasting' part of the voucher's value.

At least, the choice would be in our hands.

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  On 1/10/2020 at 12:11 PM, Sergio said:

If the voucher system is a way to reward loyal customers this higher limits are punishing them instead, somewhat.


Yup , agreed :) My strategy in last year was  to earn for better voucher... But now I could think it would be better to have old good voucher. ;)

But this is the first deal so too early to say anything. I just wish not to end every month waiting till the very end of the month in hope for deal I like... Or just to discover after few months no deals for me and voucher gone unused. Or pass my voucher not to waste it and discover last minute deal brings something like Shadow Hill with great price having that voucher :)

The system is keeping us to wait till the end so restricting vouchers exchange. While I am really ok with spending some money to PA for their plugs not hoping for free things I hate wasting time and uncertainty and lack of possibility to plan expenses somehow :(

  On 1/10/2020 at 10:46 AM, simon said:

I'm gonna hang on to my voucher until something "fits" the pricing - which is kind of stupid.


Well, welcome to PA lottery ;)

I will be probably on the same boat. I am wondering if voucher exchange will help us a little (like 25 <->50) but still we need more than just single deal to be able to operate somehow :)

Anyway we need to test what's the best... The 'problem' with PA is when we find our best strategy they will probably change their rules again to spoil it completely :)

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  On 1/10/2020 at 1:04 PM, Piotr said:

I just wish not to end every month waiting till the very end of the month in hope for deal I like... Or just to discover after few months no deals for me and voucher gone unused. Or pass my voucher not to waste it and discover last minute deal brings something like Shadow Hill with great price having that voucher :)


In the past they sometimes sent the deal's schedule for the month in advance. Maybe we can ask them to return to those practices.

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  On 1/10/2020 at 1:21 PM, Sergio said:

In the past they sometimes sent the deal's schedule for the month in advance. Maybe we can ask them to return to those practices.


Even if they only told us what plugins were planned to discount it would be very helpful.

If I am sure at a moment this is only thing in month I am interesting in I can make my decision and stop wasting time and be in uncertainty state what is not pleasant to be honest... But I am afraid they will be not interested in it as if I am sure no deal for me this month I will pass my voucher to somebody else to make him happy and not to waste voucher ;)

In fact after few years buying I have not a very long list of PA plugins I would like to have what makes my position really uncomfortable like trying to win lottery. :(

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  On 1/10/2020 at 1:31 PM, Piotr said:

But I am afraid they will be not interested in it as if I am sure no deal for me this month I will pass my voucher to somebody else to make him happy and not to waste voucher ;)


I didn't thought about that. In fact I never considered giving away my vouchers 'cause I always end up using them. Anyway, I think this would not be fair to PA. I could even give away some duplicated licenses, If I had, but... the personal vouchers... I don't know.

  On 1/10/2020 at 1:31 PM, Piotr said:

In fact after few years buying I have not a very long list of PA plugins I would like to have what makes my position really uncomfortable like trying to win lottery. :(


I'm in the same boat What comes to the rescue are the special promotions in my plugin list. For instance this month, if nothing more interesting comes, I have the option to get BYOME for $24 with my voucher. But those options are becoming more and more scarce.

Edited by Sergio
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  On 1/10/2020 at 2:09 PM, Sergio said:

I didn't thought about that. In fact I never considered giving away my vouchers 'cause I always end up using them. Anyway, I think this would not be fair to PA. I could even give away some duplicated licenses, If I had, but... the personal vouchers... I don't know


I used to think that and haven't given my voucher away - but more recently I'm not convinced that they have my interests, as a customer, at heart any more.   They seem to be turning into more and more of a money making machine.  

I have bought most of their plugins BUT (without going into details) they haven't been at all grateful for my custom and seem to want to gouge every last cent out of me.  Certainly don't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling like the old days.   The plugins are good - but their sales technique is shady (IMO)

File under "faceless corporation" (see: Waves) - so I now feel zero loyalty to them.    

TLDR: if the voucher works out for me then I'll use it but if not then I'm more than happy to let somebody else use it - zero guilt .  As always YMMV

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  On 1/10/2020 at 2:47 PM, simon said:

I used to think that and haven't given my voucher away - but more recently I'm not convinced that they have my interests, as a customer, at heart any more.   They seem to be turning into more and more of a money making machine.  

I have bought most of their plugins BUT (without going into details) they haven't been at all grateful for my custom and seem to want to gouge every last cent out of me.  Certainly don't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling like the old days.   The plugins are good - but their sales technique is shady (IMO)

File under "faceless corporation" (see: Waves) - so I now feel zero loyalty to them.    

TLDR: if the voucher works out for me then I'll use it but if not then I'm more than happy to let somebody else use it - zero guilt .  As always YMMV


I think different, Simon, but I also think that you have the right to feel this way. I was also pissed off when they started the subscription thing and raised the sale prices a lot but my reaction back then was to stop buying  (even plugins that I wanted A LOT, like their synthesizers). As I said in some other post/thread, I believe that they are now trying (or maybe being forced) to reconsider their practices and are back to more reasonable prices (I mean... in the $20-$70 range with the promos). As you said, YMMV.

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  On 1/10/2020 at 2:59 PM, Sergio said:

I think different, Simon, but I also think that you have the right to feel this way. I was also pissed off when they started the subscription thing and raised the sale prices a lot but my reaction back then was to stop buying  (even plugins that I wanted A LOT, like their synthesizers). As I said in some other post/thread, I believe that they are now trying (or maybe being forced) to reconsider their practices and are back to more reasonable prices (I mean... in the $20-$70 range with the promos). As you said, YMMV.


For me it wasn't actually the subscription thing and of course they are entitled to charge what they want, when they want.  I'm several $1000 in with PA and I'm not trying to stiff anyone on payment - everybody deserves to make a living and everyone deserves to get paid for what they do..... just think they have lost sight of their customers (for very specific reasons I won't go into)...now they just see us as $ signs.  Nobody likes to be gouged  (rant mode off)

still think a very good number of the plugins are first rate though :)


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  On 1/10/2020 at 1:04 PM, Piotr said:

The system is keeping us to wait till the end so restricting vouchers exchange. While I am really ok with spending some money to PA for their plugs not hoping for free things I hate wasting time and uncertainty and lack of possibility to plan expenses somehow


This is their point, I believe.  Those who can easily shell out any amount of cash buy whatever they need right away, and those who can't afford high costs of ownership still get a chance to grab a fine product, but they must carpe diem.


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