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OT: New PC Build For The New Year: Setup Advice?

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I am so excited to have this new build out together and just taking my time. I would love to hear some first hand experiences and suggestions that might help me get things started in the right direction, especially in setting up the BIOS and Windows.

I went with the Intel i9-9900k an ASRock Z390 motherboard and 64 gb of ram ? A signature change is definitely imminent. I might still use the older system for doing other things.

Thanks as always!



Edited by Simeon Amburgey
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Well done Simeon. In BIOS I generally disable everything on the motherboard that I am not using, LAN, Audio, Serial Ports etc Depends if it is an on-line or off-line DAW for you I guess. My rule, if you are not going to use it, get rid of it off the motherboard in BIOS so the OS doesn't even see it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a fun video that documents my journey putting everything together!

I also show some noise comparisons between my older system and the new be quiet! Dark Base 700 case which is very impressive.

I can tell in just the short first couple of weeks such a difference in performance and stability. 
I also have been making system images along the way just in case. 

Looking forward to a very musical and exciting 2020!

New Year, New Computer; "The Build" v2020


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This looks like the "year of the build" for you. Congrats Simeon!  I'm on the 3rd year? of my last build. It's always fun to select the parts you want and do the build. 

I only have a few common sense comments. I wouldn't progress so slowly on it that the warranties expire on return options for the vendor in case there is a problem. 

There has never been any harm in slightly overclocking for me.  I managed to get 4.2ghz from a chip that usually runs in the 3s. Never had an issue and keep it OC'd all the time.

Not sure how all the hoopla was started over ram. When I built my system I only added 16gb thinking I might need more later on. I never did and have ran some heavy Kontakt unfrozen mixes with nary a hiccup.....so while lots of ram can't hurt I don't think it's necessarily mandatory unless you're running boat loads of plugins. 32 would probably suffice even in that case.

I would load winpro 10. I didn't. I wish I would have.

They make great studio heaters in the winter months...can get toasty in the summer without great A/C. If possible I try to locate the computer portion outside of the studio. Just an opinion take it or leave it. People like to see the pretty lights in the case now. I like to be cool in the summer.

Buy a UPS backup if you don't have one. You might thank me one day for suggesting it. If things die or brownout and you don't have one.........let's just say it's the kind of thing that keeps places like Newegg in business :0)

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