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A Company that CONTINUOUSLY shoots itself in the Face!

Larry Shelby

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I agree. I wanted to upgrade my Amplitube but found there was no real way to upgrade but apparently there used to be? So now I'd either have to wait for an "OMGSOGOODCANTPASSUPNOBRAINER" offer or just purchase the same things over again. Such a dumb way to go about it.

At least when iZotope does this crap of buying the same products multiple times, it can be done using an actual upgrade.

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As I've gotten into home music production, I've learned so much from everyone here.  I pay close attention to pricing, structures, and how companies operate.  I've looked at IK before, but never really had a strong desire to jump into their ecosystem - it just seems too confusing.   Jam point, credits, custom shop, etc.   There are great options out there without having to jump through hoops.

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30 minutes ago, Zo said:

I think the problem to put a policy in place is at least you have to have the minmum stability and visibility on products life and dev witch i think ik own guyz don t have necessarely .


They chose the safest and easiest way to handle it to keep it simple for both side at the expense of soletime faireness ...but at least it s not PA like choatic ....

Now what Larry pointed out is solething we see more and more with every brands forcing to re buy stuff again and again and being so agressive in price for new comers that it doesn t make sens to event bother for old costumers witch is imho THE issue ... clients live to feel considered and taken care of ....even  after purchase ...  marketing guyz are too often focused on sales technic but not enougth in clients portofolio management .



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