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Late track automation in export

Lewis Dixon

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Got no idea whats going on, 

I have multiple automation lanes on multiple tracks and its only 2 lanes that have an issue, both are controlling the dry/wet mix on reverb 2 cakewalk.
When I export the mix, the automation for these lanes occurs later than its programmed to, then after a while, snaps back to what is supposed to be, not following the automation curve at all. However, the automation behaves absolutely fine when the track is played in cakewalk before export.

the automation in the image is used to build up reverb before a drop, however, the reverb builds up approximately 4 bars later than displayed then approximately 4 bars later (so, in the middle of the section after) it snaps back to the level set.

I've tried restarting cakewalk, removing muted recordings on the track, removing missing automation sections, checked everything to do with the export, and i cant fix it. interestingly, should I export just the section after the automation (the 8 bars at the end in the image) the automation behaves fine, if i export the loop, the automation is late, but only by a bar or so, the more before this i export, the larger the offset.


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