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Kanary Productions

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Everything posted by Kanary Productions

  1. I got an offer to upgrade from MPS 3 to 4.1 for $149. I'm not sure if it comes with the Groove 3 All Access pass so have contacted support to find out. If it does, that might get me to upgrade this year after skipping MPS 4. Cheers, jayson
  2. Glad I read this thread as well as I also got MPS2.1 in late August. Sent an email to support and got the codes! I don't have an iLok so do I need to download the iLok license manager to install R4 and Nimbus? Also, I was planning on extending my Groove3 subscription which was running out in at the end of November. When I put in the Groove3 code to extend my subscription it looks like I got it for 2 years not 1. The same code is showing up as two separate orders in my Groove3 account screen so not sure what happened and if they will correct it but still thankful for getting it as I was going to extend it anyway. Cheers, jayson
  3. Hello World. Made the transition. Not old enough to remember the CompuServe days but do remember the Usenet days! ? Cheers, jayson
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