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Everything posted by Oliver

  1. I am still waiting for response to my case from Plugin-Alliance. The special is over now, and I was not able to buy as many amps for the announced price of 29.99$ as I had wanted to, unfortunately. I’m pretty much disappointed to be honest. My request/ticket is still open but I have little hope now that they still stand to their offer. I hope they are gonna proof me wrong and I will post an update here once the ticket has been closed (for good or bad). Have gone into Nembrini Amps in the meantime. Check them out, if you haven’t already. I got the Cali Reverb and the new DC30. Both very cool.
  2. Update: PA support now sent me a code that I can use to lower the price of the amps to 29.99 (i.e. the overall sum of the cart is then adjusted accordingly). So far so good. However I want to use two subscription vouchers to purchase the amps and you can use only one per cart. Normaly I would just create two carts but I am unsure if the code is valid twice. So I asked and am waiting for response (fingers crossed? )...
  3. Yes I did shoot them a message and am waiting for their response ? I did not clear the cache though but tried it on different devicies and expierienced a change (the rockergain100 only). But I might try the emptying the cache too as long as I have no response ?‍♂️
  4. I tried logging out and in already multiple times. It stays the same. On the products page all amps are at regular prices (149.99 for the most, 99.99 for Chandler and some others). On my manage license page under my 800RB Full license there is a green colored „rockergain 100“ for 29.99 (which on product page also is 149). I wonder if it is because I used the GK Intro as well as my loyalty vouchers and paid 17 somewhat for the 800RB. I doubt this beeing the cause but have no idea why the heck I cannot buy the others at discount prices. Damn!
  5. Same for me! Used the loyalty voucher. However I can’t see the announced 29.99 special on any of the amps except for the rockergain100. That is in my „manage xour license“ page as offer under the 800rb. But on the product page it’s on 149.99 still as are all other amps (except those that are on 99.99). Reached out to support before and they told me once I purchase the 800RB the other discounts will be shown on the website. But they are not. That’s really disappointing for me. I planned to grab a couple of amps. Anyone any idea? Cheers! Oliver
  6. Yes, the classic was given away free. Great, so all of them... The subscription model indeed feels quite fair to me. While it might be especially interesting for business users (and admittedly helps to make you buy more stuff than you might or might not do otherwise) it is also a model I can very well live with - for one year! You can testdrive everything and you get voucher which is of even higher value than what you paid for (depending on which subscription modell you use that is). Use it during the reoccuring sales (4x a year at least) to buy the stuff way cheaper than regular. I wouldn‘t want to be paying 80-140 bucks for one modell when not on sale though if you need only one or two and can‘t wait, I think they are still worth it. I got my Engl Savage for 39€ last year and could now have gotten it even for 29.99. I guess that‘s kind of as low as it gets (of course with loyalty voucher you can get it down even more). Would I have spend the money for a couple of the amps otherwise? Maybe and maybe not. But then again, having them and not really needing them is better than needing and not having them (OK, that s lame ...) Anyway I tried a lot of Amp Sims (BIAS, TH-U, Amplitube, ToneStack, GE-Labs, NeuralDSP, Audio Assault, Ugritone, Helix Native, Nembrini, ...) What I particularly like about PAs is that they feel great AND look great for the most part and not least are easy to handle and require little CPU. But you can sure go with something like the Audio Assault Reamp Studio (which is awsome) or even free Plugins for much less. You can spend way more too. ?
  7. I own the Engl Savage 120 and really dig it (gives me a good chance to compensate for my real Savage at home ? ). I also have the others via subscription (testing them for a year and then buying the best with the subscription voucher PA sent me - pretty fair game I think). I like the Friedman (DS-40 more than the BE-100) and the Diezels also the Fuchs Train II. Maybe the Orange (Rockergain) and Mesa though they lack the original appearance as they are not licenced by the Real Amps manufacturers. Those PA Plugins are really enjoyable in my opinion. You get great tones quickly without fiddling around to much. Decent amount of good soonding and verstile Cab and Mic chains, gets you up and running quickly. And the look of the licensed Amps is great not to be underestimated I think. Makes you wanna play them. ?
  8. Can you tell which amps are (or are not if that is told quicker) for 29.99 bucks? Personally I am after a few of the amps, yet not all.
  9. Isn’t that strange? PA wrote that all of their Amps would be on $29.99 if I remember right. I will try later.
  10. @mibby: Thank you! That’s the information I was looking for. I just wanted to make sure I don‘t overlook something and loose the 29.99 special offer by buying the GK without the amps. Then it seems like it‘s like with the SSL Console (bought the g version on sale and in my account now there is the e version green marked for a sales price). I guess I ll be going for some of these! Anyone knows if subscription vouchers apply here too? Might get a couple of amps...
  11. Can anyone tell me how to get the other amps for $29.99? When I drop them into my cart containing the Gallien Krueger and using the intro-voucher, the amps still are on regular prices. Or do I get another voucher once I purchase the GK? Thanks.
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