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Everything posted by Lamenace

  1. Maybe, Waves is not talking to us.
  2. ICON PICKS: 15 BEST REVERB PLUGINS https://iconcollective.com/top-reverb-plugins/
  3. Pure Synth only / $78, Bassalicious only / $45 last sale, the BassMaster sold for $45.
  4. I bought this for $75. I like it. However, it does not work with other VST in Cubase 10, Win10. A mix that consists only of audio files does not crash. They are still not fixing the bug.
  5. Amazing! Free with a 50Vouchers
  6. Yes, The FXP and Factory presets are loaded. FST files (fl presets) are not converted to FXP files (VST version). I mostly use MRhythmizerMB and ShaperBox .
  7. I got some expansion presets for GrossBeat and Harmor synth, but fst Files don't work in Cubase.
  8. I don't like Waves' WUP. But, Their $29 Revolution is affecting the prices of other companies.
  9. .. and my Personal Voucher -$25 Good stuff!
  10. I did not have Tonecentric. I get the Bundle for $15 with Waves personal upgrade (code TODAY50).
  11. MAutoVolume ( $30, PluginBoutique ) https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/3-Studio-Tools/47-Gain/840-MAutoVolume
  12. Is this really good? The Windows version is not yet on the list.
  13. It is very pretty. I tried to buy it as soon as I saw it. But for a few minutes, I remembered all the keyboard shortcuts and gave up buying. If my keyboard breaks down, I will buy it next time.
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