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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I'm fully convinced the DeEss wil never go on sale. Am I wrong?
  2. Rustee Allen was listed as the bass player on the album In City Dreams which included Bluebird it might be him.
  3. Moral of the story: always he be the headliner. ?
  4. 4K B should be called $k B Meter, SubGen and Blitzer don't really interest me all that much. DeEss and 4K B are my wait fors.
  5. I dunno, I've had these for over a year now.
  6. I was in FL twice. Once in November. Nice weather, 70s-ish. August, I was dying not only from 90+ degrees but the (what felt like) 1074% humidity. @craigb those large critters are pretty bad the even larger ones like the poly-ticks really bite deep and hard too.
  7. I'd love to have that juan two. But my skills on guitar cannot justify that cost so I'd just have to go for this one https://www.epiphone.com/en-US/Electric-Guitar/EPIHMT440/Cherry
  8. oh, it will be, it will be...... Installed!
  9. If earning money is not a concern, you *could* start an altruistic studio for up and coming local artists who can't afford hundred$ on studio time. Charge a nominal rate, for your area, to keep it somewhat professional for you and them. I would love to do that but sadly I'll not likely retire any time soon (too many plugins to still buy ?) .
  10. Installed! I mean why not, it's an EQ right?
  11. I use a flash drive for all my PA license activations since day 1.. Simples.
  12. But first I have to get the Current MrsDaryk1968 to be on board. ?
  13. I avoid the I-405 unless it's 2:00AM on a Wednesday. And since I'm almost nevah awake or away from home at 2:00AM on any day of the week that ends in 'd a y', well.... you get my point.
  14. I'm pretty sure Amazon will take them back which I will do as soon as they arrive.
  15. Yup, so far just the mic pre's. Maybe one day the Vision Strip too. Still learning the dark art of recording live drums.
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