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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Bapu


    Nice co-writing Douglas. The mix was clear and concise.
  2. Bapu

    Samba Juice

    Agreed with this extremely detailed assessment. ?
  3. The music would have stood extremely well on it's own, but the video was the icing on the Cake (see what I did there?)
  4. If that's a test mix I need to turn in my Junior Amateur Mix Engineer Card (I got in a box of Corn Flakes).
  5. Bapu


    I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that since you used a drum VST, I'll then say the song could really shine with a live drummer. The vocals are really good as are the guitars. Bass is foundational, which is all this kind of song requires. But I'd up the bass by at least 1 db.
  6. ^ This ^ Overall it's a good mix.
  7. Bapu


    Some nice elements in this. I too, am not an EDM aficionado so I can't say if the mix is correct or not. I can say that I think I hear all the instruments pretty clearly (except the drums as Kevin says).
  8. Bapu

    Sleepy Time

    I like it. Very smooth listening. I needs some sleepy time.
  9. Nice song that Shot in the Back.
  10. Installed. £13.83 after points used.
  11. I went straight to release 3. It did not disappoint this non-Wookiee lifeform. EP'ish solo was really nice. Just the right amount of restraint and chaos.
  12. The mix is pretty clear on my Sennheiser HD-600s. The deep verb on the chorus fits the nature of the song. Harmonies are really nice.
  13. Bapu


    Late to the party but this mix is pretty darn good in my book. Nice song too.
  14. Bapu

    Going Down

    I like this just like all your other stuff. Personal taste observation: Just a bit too much verb on the drums.
  15. Bapu

    Just The Way It Is

    Very nice and relaxing.
  16. No crack here. No ganga here. No horse here either, All I heard was the backing track to a Jesse Screed song. Lurvely
  17. Well don't carry a power cable with your laptop and hope your battery lasts long enough. I'll get me coat.
  18. Paulo said he would *NOT* post that pic of me after we left the "gentlemen's" club.?
  19. Also, I plug that hub into yet another hub on either machine. Works a treat.
  20. TIP: Waves (10, 11 or 12) license's can be put on a USB stick that can also be plugged into a USB hub. I do this on both my PC and my MacBook Pro. One license, used on any machine I want anywhere in the world with my USB stick.
  21. First world problems for sure. ? I'll get me coat.
  22. nice little ditty that Singer seems like a good lad
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