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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. It's always worked that way for EZDrummer, EZKeys MIDI packs and EZMix modules for me. I've no reason to think it would not work for EZBass MIDI too.
  2. Yay. Just received my serials.
  3. Do you have enough for the whole class?
  4. Bapu

    BFD = CFA

    Here (for our latest one)
  5. Bapu

    BFD = CFA

    Our band Citizen Regen uses a real live drummer.
  6. Fortunately I still have a single EZBass MIDI serial (individually bought previously) in case they come out with a new one before Thomann gets this resolved.
  7. Still this. I was told they will not charge me until this is resolved.
  8. @Grem I'll give you $600 + shipping for that abomination of a guitar. I'll get me coat.
  9. #metoo But it can be a fun diversion from time to time and I even copped a line for one of our Citizen Regen songs.
  10. Thomann status (as per above @Spice3d)
  11. <bapu thinks> I wonder if it's available at Thomann?
  12. Bapu

    BFD = CFA

    Any way, get enough people together to tell their one off problem on <insert product installer name here> and you'd think none of them work ever.
  13. Bapu

    BFD = CFA

    I have the entire ToonTrack productline up through EZD3 on a PC and a MacPro 2012. Never had that problem. Sounds like a one off (to me) although a big one off to you I'm sure. I will admit that once on the Mac I had EZD2 kit that would not update. Lasted for about three weeks and with no changes to my system one day it worked. IIRC it Latin Perc. And again it was only on the Mac, the PC was fine.
  14. Bapu

    BFD = CFA

    ToonTrack for one.
  15. I am fully aware of that. I did mean to offer that a solution for me or anyone else, it was just a statement of what I choose to do.
  16. Is there an echo in hear? ?
  17. To any concerts since April 2020 until now? Tell us about it.
  18. Got my 4th shot (2nd booster) on Friday and I had a tender/sore arm in the shot area for two days. The Lovely Lady had a mild upset stomach and wore arm (just like the three other times). I've not knowingly been around anyone with it. My circle of physically seen friend is limited to about 20 people (all fully vaxxed). I can't attest to their exposures but most are either retired or work from home. I go to a sit down restaurant once a week (location varies) with most of these 20 friends. We, atm, won't go to indoor theaters or large "concert like" settings regardless of venue. Lastly, I think I had an early case of it in Nov 2019. Very flu like and coughing for about 10 weeks. That was back when our company had a physical space.
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