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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I just picked up a WARM Audio 2 channel BUS COMP. Goes in the rack tomorrow.
  2. Native update was only about 5 minutes in length.
  3. All Gibson, All of the time?
  4. OK, so I own all their products. Got the free update. The price I paid is that now I get emails (almost) everyday from Relab "selling me on the new veriosn. Sheesh!
  5. "She's A Beauty" ~Fee Waybill & The Tubes
  6. That's quite a cleavages post.
  7. Made you look! Not what you expected? A cleave chain!
  8. That was def when he was The King.
  9. I did that for the SPL PQ
  10. The Plague? Is that new band or ultra-<insert ideology here> social media app?
  11. Congrats. I'm not really one to frequently imbibe the alcohol, but I did have two pints with @SteveStrummerUK and @Jonbouy in London Town.
  12. So that's what I always thought was missing in their music. Good to know.
  13. That was not Reid's question. He was wondering if other EastWest libs will play in Opus. Thus I answered:
  14. Well tanks @Wibbles and @craigb for nuttin' I still don't know if they should be with or without ski boards. ? Other than maybe the aforementioned album prolly does not have ski boards.
  15. The Soundiron guys (the co-founders are friends with my son) make some great stuff.
  16. I'll use my Nov (on the 8th) Forever29 for this one.
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