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  1. thank you for information. I'll try the midiox and let you know. For the M-AUDIO driver, I've already used the latest one found the m-audio website. But this didn't solve.
  2. thank you. but I can't find this driver for WINDOWS 10. Do you think the last update works?
  3. this is exactly what I believe. I explain. When I use the un-adviced connection, I manage to play the sound of my external keyboard when I use the Virtual computer of CW. In that case, the MIDI-OUT LED is lightning only when a note is transmitted from my computer to my ext. keyboard. In the opposite, when I am trying to play a CW VST instrument, the MIDI-IN LED is always switched on, even if I don't play any note on my external keybaord. I think that the CW buffer is always full and sometimes, it manage to play a note with a kind of lag.... I've already played with all of the setup of my external yamaha keyboard, but couldn't solve yet....
  4. Do you beliveve that using an audio interface will work at 100%. I started being convinced that using the M-AUDIO midi/usb converter has no chance to work. So, I am just wondering what is the best choice: - buying this kind of audio interface to carry on trying to connect my ext. yamaha keyboard to CW -buying a right MPC keyboard, that I connect directly connect to my computer via an USB cable What solution do you believe is the best?
  5. Yes, I fully agree that it doesn't work properly. I've already tried a lot of things with the right connection and I've already checked the preferences that I have well the M-audio device. Also before trying to record, I've simply tried to activate the GUI of the VST instrument with my ext. keyboard. And finally, the best results that I can have are with the un-adviced connection... I am fully lost and I am finally afraid that my ext. keyboard are not "compatible" with CW by using this kind of connection.
  6. In addition, the VST that I am trying to control with my Yamaha keyboard is working well while pressing the CW virtual controller or the VST itself.
  7. The last information that I have are the following ones: I have connected as below (the opposite way than usual and it seems working well ?) Keyboard out with Uno Out Keyboard in with Uno In That way, I have the following results: * When playing on CW on a midi track with the CW virtual controller, I manage to control and play on my external yamaha keyboard with no problem at all (even the MIDI OUT led is lighting in that case) * I have double checked the driver installation --> it is ok I still have issues while playing several notes on my yamaha keyboard aiming to control VST onCW. Does that help to solve ? Thank you in advance.
  8. Hi, I have an old YAMAHA PSR 730 keyboard that I am trying to connect to cakewalk via a M-AUDIO UNO MIDI USB converter. I first tried the usual connection Keyboard OUT PORT to IN PORT of my converter and Keyboard IN PORT to OUT PORT of my converter. I didn't manage to control cakewalk in that way. So, I tried the opposite. In that way, Cakewalk seems working. I mean that Cakewalk can receive only one note in the mean time, even If I press several notes on my keyboard. And CW can receive around 1 note all the 2 s. My questions are the following : -do you believe the opposite connection of the usual one is really the good one ? Or is it a kind parasite which make CW receive a note? -do you think/do you know if I have to use a specific configuration inside my keyboard ? I already disabled the "local" operation of my keyboard? I went through a lot of forums and I don't know how to do to use my old external keyboard as a midi controller for CW. Thank you very much for the time you could spend for helping me.
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