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Everything posted by musikman1

  1. Thanks I'll update again. I thought since I had recently updated that I was all set, it seemed odd having two updates so close together. Appreciate the help!
  2. I just updated to 2023.09 two days ago. I opened CWbB today, and it's prompting me to update to 2023.09... again?? It's the usual prompt bottom right, blue box, Cakewalk just got better, etc.... Just now noticed two additional prompts, one is to Update Local Help, and the other is for Demo Projects available to download. When I check the version I now have, it is 2023.09 (Build 062, 64 bit). And I did re-activate two days ago after updating.
  3. Thanks David, appreciate the explanation. I just now read it, so I'm still going to need to sink my brain into it a bit more before I grasp the process. ?Not ready for reverse just yet Glenn, but good to know, thanks!
  4. Thanks David, that worked perfectly! I'm trying to make sense of the math of it though, I'd like to know how you knew where to set the Now time and what numbers to enter in the Set Measure boxes. I'm curious on how those numbers interact to have the tempo arrive exactly at 100.75 , if you care to expand I'd appreciate it. ?
  5. Yeah it's a weird one for sure. After I posted this thread, I went back and bounced the midi synth track to an audio track, then exported that audio to a wav file. That does work when I import that wav file into the 100bpm project. Only thing is, if I want to edit the midi, I'll have to do that in the other 75bpm project, then repeat what I did again (bounce to audio again and export to wav again). No problem, I don't mind doing that if need be. To answer your question : I soloed the synth midi track, selected that track, then used the File/Export/Standard midi file command (which was the only command I could find for exporting midi). So I guess even though I soloed that track, I actually saved the entire 75bpm project as a standard midi file and then imported that into the 100bpm project. I could not find a command for exporting only that one midi track. ? I haven't yet tried dragging and dropping with both projects open.
  6. I dug up an old audio track and imported it into CW. The project tempo I imported to was set at 75bpm. The audio track didn't match the project tempo, so the beats didn't align with the tempo ruler, but I was not concerned at that point because I just wanted to quickly try recording a vst synth part to see what it would sound like along with the audio track. After recording the synth, I saved the project at that 75bpm tempo, which included the new midi synth track I recorded. Later on I exported the audio track to a wav file at the 75bpm tempo. I opened a brand new project, imported the wav file, and with a little trial and error, I figured out that the audio track fit the time ruler perfectly if I set the new project tempo at 100.75 bpm. I then went back to the other project and exported the vst synth midi (at 75bpm) to a midi file. I then went back to the new project and opened the same vst synth I had used to originally record the midi track, and I imported that midi file and placed it in the vst synth track in the new project with the tempo at 100.75. I thought the midi file would automatically adjust from 75bpm to the new tempo of 100.75bpm, but it is still seeming to play at the 75bpm tempo it was originally recorded at. If I can't get this midi to line up properly, I suppose I could re-record the vst synth track again, but I like the way it came out the first time. Any suggestions? I've never needed to do this before, so I have a feeling I may be missing a step here..... thank you.
  7. If you just upgraded your comp and kept the same hard drive with all your data on it, then maybe just try having Cakewalk re-scan all your VSTs. This can be located in the Utilities menu/Plugin Mgr. If you have a new comp (including a new hard drive) then you'll likely have to go to Waves and download and install all your Waves plugins over again. Waves has a plugin manager tool that simplifies the process. I think it's called Waves Central. You can find it on their website.
  8. For some reason I didn't find that thread in my search. Thanks once again scook, you are appreciated! ?
  9. I just picked up the Waves Harmony plug-in. CWbB Plugin Mgr seems to automatically categorize this as an "audio FX" plug, which it is. However, this one can also be used with a midi controller to generate harmonies, and I'm not sure how to set it up to do that in CWbB. The following video tutorial illustrates how, but they are using Logic, not CWbB. There seem to be options in Logic that I could not find in CWbB. The options I'm referring to in the video in Logic are when he adds a "new software instrument track, then he selects "MIDI controlled FX", which I could not find in CWbB. Typically, when I want to add a VST instrument in CWbB, I usually just go to the "insert" menu and select "soft synth", then which instrument I want, CW then adds a track with that instrument, but there are currently no Waves plug-ins on that soft synth instrument list. So I guess I'm just trying to figure out how to have CW recognize Waves Harmony as both an audio plug and a MIDI controlled FX, as seen in this video. There are also a few other Waves plugs that can function both ways, like OVox. I assume that the setup in the video may be possible somehow by using CW Plugin Mgr? *The section of the video I'm referring to starts at around the 9:00 min mark...
  10. It was a long day yesterday, I must have been running on low brain power when I updated those plugs last night lol. This morning I woke up and realized that a few months ago I had changed the auto VST startup scan in CWbB, and I had set it to manual scan instead. I haven't needed to update any of my plugs since then and so I had forgotten about changing that setting. I ran the VST scan manually, and it picked up the updated plugs. All set now, thank you for the reply Max! Waves creates a separate folder for each version of their plugins, so the version 14 plugins folder was new and just needed to be scanned in.
  11. Hi, I just updated a few of my Waves Plugins to Version 14, and they won't open in CWbBL. All my earlier version plugins still seem to work fine. If I try to open a project that was using an earlier version of the plugin, I get a "Missing Plug-Ins" message from CW. ie...("The following plug-ins are referred to by this project, but could not be found") If I try to load a version 14 plug-in to a new project, I get the "The following VST plug-in failed to load" message. Is this a CWbB problem, or should I be calling Waves Support?
  12. I think my M-Audio MK361C was first made in the early 2000's or even late 90s. Thanks for all the great advice guys, and for the video, it was very informative. I never thought of recording the key strike with a mic, very clever! I've been re-thinking my strategy slightly. I may try to get a semi-weighted controller that has 76 (hard to find) or 88 keys, instead of using my Triton. Main reason being the Triton, like all the rest of my keyboards, has 61 keys. I'd like to have the capability of a full sized keyboard for piano playing, 61 will do for now, but full size would be better. Semi-weighted also gives me the option to use it for synth playing as well. I don't need full weighted keys if the semi-weighted board is decent. I've been looking at the Novation Launchkey 88. It seems to have pretty decent user reviews, and it's only 18 lbs, and not bulky in weight or size like a digital piano. Price isn't going to break the bank at $359.00 either. Problem is trying to get my hands on one to demo before making a decision to purchase. Most music stores carry the 61 and 49 key controllers. Everything else is buy online only, so it's order, try it out, then either keep it or go through the inconvenience of shipping it back to the online vendor. Anyone have one of these, or have ever tried one out? I could use the feedback. Specs can be found here: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/LaunchK3-88--novation-launchkey-88-mk3-88-key-keyboard-controller
  13. I hear ya John, I was also looking at that Roland A-88 because I saw them using it on the Spectrasonics Keyscape demo video. But I was also turned away by the steep price. I wasn't even aware that the older boards have more latency. I have experienced some of that, but I thought it was more to do with my CW settings than the board, because it seems to only happen when I have a lot of VSTi synths loaded in a project. Strange though because I have a fairly new and pretty fast PC. Drivers have always been a thorn in my side for some reason. M-Audio drivers have always been sketchy. My M-Audio MK361C dinosaur has been notorious for driver installation issues. I usually have my PC tech take care of it for me, otherwise I'll just get frustrated. A few yrs ago they stopped supporting that board and the last driver available was for Windows 7, which luckily worked (eventually) for Win10. I have a little MidiPlus AKM320 that I use with my laptop just to audition sounds and some basic stuff, and the first time I plugged it in, Windows immediately recognized it as plug n' play, no pain in the ***** driver installation necessary. I often wonder why all the MIDI controller manufacturers can't make theirs that easy too.
  14. I've always used my M-Audio keyboard. In fact, it's a dinosaur, it's an MK361C, barely got the drivers to work on Windows10, but it works. I use just a USB cable from that directly to a USB input on my PC. The other keyboard is also a dino, it's a Korg Triton Studio. No USB option, so I would have to use a standard MIDI cable from the Triton to my little Audiobox, then a standard USB cable from there to my PC. I haven't tried hooking that up yet, but that's the plan for now, unless I buy a new MIDI controller in the near future. ...also, I assume that CW will recognize the Audiobox immediately once I connect it?...hopefully no snags there...we'll see. I would likely never be needing to play both at once, but duly noted, thank you. I'm just going to want to turn off the Local control on the Triton because I'll just be needing to use it to trigger whatever VSTi I have loaded in CW. In addition, I won't need most of the other MIDI info sent, like program change, etc.... just want it to play the VSTi synth. I'll want the pitch bend and Mod wheel to operate, but other than that not much else. I am shopping around for a not-too-expensive MIDI controller keyboard. I wish I could get a 73 or 76 key, but there are not many choices out there. Most are 61 key. The thing is, I'll need something semi-weighted, that way it will have somewhat of a piano feel when I need it, but will not be sluggish when I need to play organ or synth sounds. M-Audio has one for about $199.00, but I'd like to demo it first if I can find one at the local music store....and it's only 61 keys, so there's that.
  15. Hi Right now I have a dedicated MAudio MIDI keyboard that I use for most things, but I would also like to use one (or more) of my other keyboards as a MIDi controller as well, mainly because of the touch of the other keyboard being more suitable to whatever VSTi instrument sound I'm using at the time. (ie...for example....my semi-weighted keyboard is more comfortable for playing grand piano sounds than my MIDI controller keyboard) Can CWbBL support having 2 MIDI keyboard controllers operating at the same time? I'd like to always have them both connected, active, and ready to use in the DAW so I can move to either one as needed, without re-configuring setup or restarting CW each time I want to switch from one to the other. Can CW even support having two keyboard controllers on the list simultaneously, or is only one allowed at a time? I haven't been able to find a definitive answer to this in my forum searches, nor have I found any info on how to set this up. Any help appreciated, thanks!
  16. Ah, there it is! Thanks, much appreciated! I did find how to create and save an FX chain as well, and I like that I can store the chain file in a folder and keep it for future use, that will come in handy.
  17. Didn't know that, thanks. Not sure how to do it, but I'm sure I can find something online. I would think there would be a way to just copy/paste an effect from one project to another though, something less complex, for when you just need to quickly copy one or two effects?
  18. Hi all, the UI has changed quite a bit since I last tried doing this.......I've been trying to copy an audio fx plugin (including all its settings) from a track fx bin in one project, to a track fx bin in another project. I used to be able to right click on that fx plug and just copy/paste to the 2nd project, even if both projects were not open at the same time. When I didn't see the copy option in the right click menu, I figured if I could open both project maybe I could drag copy it over to the 2nd project. But when I opened both projects, one covers over the other, and I don't see any tabs, or a way to make one of them reduced size so that I can see the other one behind it to drag the fx over from one to the other. The old way of just copying and pasting the fx and all its settings was easy. Any suggestions? I'm sure there must be an easy solution, but my searches haven't really turned up anything so far. Thanks! MM
  19. It's been awhile. I haven't thought of turning it off until recently as I noticed my plugs scan was taking longer. So I went to where I remembered the tick box used to be and didn't find it. Thanks, I appreciate the replies.
  20. Looking for the on/off VST scan switch.....There used to be a tick box to turn off auto VST scanning upon startup in the Plug-in Mgr, but I haven't found it in CWbBL. I did find VST settings in the Edit/Pref menu, with 3 options - Auto Background Scan, Scan on Startup, and Manual Scan. Mine is set for Auto Background Scan, and there's a box ticked underneath for "Scan in Sandbox" (whatever that means). Every time I start CW it scans for all VSTs. I'd like to be able to turn off the automatic startup scan, and only do a scan when I add a new VST. Is this the only, and correct place for changing this setting?....and is it the Manual Scan setting in the drop list that I need to change it to? This would seem to make the most sense, just wanted to check with you guys in case I'm missing something. Thanks, much appreciated.
  21. Yes it can! I do the same thing, make an extra copy of any vocal tracks that I have slated for Melodyne, just in case, that way I always have copies of the originally recorded vocals. I will be working with 32 bit all the time now. For awhile I was using 24 for rendering, and not long ago I had changed my audio data render setting to 16 just because that day I wanted to export without mastering, and burn a quick CD to listen to the mix in my car, then forgot to change it back to 24! Now it's at 32 and that's where it's gonna stay.
  22. Fast. I don't remember ever doing a Real-time export. After listening more closely today, and isolating that vocal track with all FX plugs turned off, the glitch is there. Almost 100% certain it was something I did in Melodyne when I edited all the vox tracks. Sometimes Melodyne will garble a word or syllable if you edit with the modulation or pitch tool and go a little too far, I've had it happen before, and then had to back off a bit to get it to sound more natural. So what I did was go back to an older version of the same project and I grabbed the original piece of that vocal and brought it into the newest version of the project. A little repair job I guess you could say. So now it's a bit better, but I still have a little smoothing to do. At least I now know it's not anything to do with a plugin or a render issue. I had a feeling if it were a render or plugin issue, more glitches would have occurred, not just on one word. I did a draft mix as you had recommended at 32bit, then ran it through the mastering software. Still a few tweaks to do, but at this point in time it's sounding pretty good. ?
  23. thanks for the links, I'll have a read through, much appreciated!
  24. I doubt it's a CPU issue, I have upgraded my PC and the CPU meter shows it's barely working, 12 threads in all and 32GB RAM (those are old specs on my post footer, I haven't revised that yet). I do have a lot of plugins going, it could be one of the plugs I have on the vox buss. Btw, thank you for taking the time to reply, always appreciated. The stutter was just on one word, the rest was fine. It's probably not an audio skip or drop from lack of resources, it sounds more like a glitch where the word I am singing gets a little garbled for a second. Going back just now and listening again, the original vox tracks were good. The glitch can be heard on both the final mixdown, and on the master, so whatever caused it happened within CWbB on the final mix bounce. I'll see what happens tomorrow when I bounce it all again to 32 bit. You almost can't notice it unless you really listen close. I do have that lead vox track doubled, so it is possible that one word is slightly out of alignment between the two tracks. Plus the word is "sleep", so it could be a sibilance issue. I'll check a few things more closely tomorrow, I'll find what's causing it.
  25. Interesting...So even if the setting in the Bounce to Tracks dialog box is set to dither, that function will automatically remain inactive unless it detects one or more tracks will be getting converted to a lower bit depth? According to what I've read, rendering at 32 bit will create a larger file size than rendering at 24 bit, but I would think the difference would be minimal, and probably would not outweigh the quality benefit that 32 bit would provide in comparison. Related thread: I have recently noticed there are also some plugins that also apply dither, like one of my limiters has two presets which include dithering, one preset is 16bit and the other is 24 bit. I'll have to remember not to use those presets. Scook, do you think that the way I had previously rendered and mastered, not using 32 bit and dithering twice could have caused that vocal stutter on the master that I had mentioned?
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