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Everything posted by NotASpeckOfCereal

  1. Cool, thanks for that Per. Cheers, Chris PS: I'm currently just saving all of my Sonar Projects to OMF just to be safe
  2. ALSO, I forgot to mention: part of the reason I want to migrate these projects is because I'm REBUILDING THE MACHINE, so I fear that my install of SONAR will be toast after this. Does anyone know if I can re-install SONAR after wiping this machine? That would mean that I would not be in a hurry to migrate. Chris
  3. Thanks Per, I've seen the pricing, which puts the full price of the Pro version out of my reach. There was am earlier deal for 50% off for Sonar Lifetime members, as I mentioned, that link is dead. I was posting here in hopes of finding any other path to a discount (legit). Here is the old thread with the offer, which was last commented on last November, but that forum is now read-only: http://forum.cakewalk.com/message-from-Greg-Ondo-of-Steinberg-m3691848-p17.aspx I guess I waited too long to jump on the deal (well, I didn't know about it until today). Chris
  4. There is migration with using the universal OMF format, but the only version of Cubase that opens it (it seems) is the pro version. I found this topic on the old Sonar forum: https://www.steinberg.net/en/promotion/homebase_for_sonar_users.html
  5. Hi all, I would like to migrate all of my Sonar projects to Cubase, but apparently the Cubase OMF is for Pro only (not Artist). I really can only afford Artist. Then I remembered that there was a 1/2 off of Cubase Pro in the old forums. I found that thread and the link to 50% off is still around, but the link is dead. Are there still any special deals for LIFETIME owners of Sonar to get a deal on Cubase Pro? Alternatively, are there any known migration paths for Sonar projects to Cubase Artist? Thanks for any tips. Chris
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