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Everything posted by WaltBlues

  1. Hi all, I have a problem since installing iRig HD2 (guitar audio interface) as when trying to push the monitoring button that allows to hear the guitar directly through its output cannot be enabled on an audio track (midi yes, as different input..). Also the record button cannot be enabled. On the other hand, if I open an existing project where one of the tracks had this function still enabled, it works but only on this track. I have the right audio device/input and driver settings (iRig device in and out 1). Does anybody have an idea what is wrong there ? Had a BR-80 from Roland as audio interface before and no problem. Thanks for quick reply Walter
  2. Hi ! I still work with SONAR X1 LE that suits to me. I get problems with VST Plugins as the X1 LE cannot read them: too recent.... So I wanted install Waves (amp simulations) and in order to be able I was told to use Cakewalk by BandLab ..... which is ex Sonar. My concern is that I might loose all my data in Sonar X1LE when installing Calkewalk by BandLab as it has the same files in ? like Calkwalk Content (Audio Library, Midi Library, SONAR X1 LE) and Calkwalk Projects (where all the detailed trackfiles are). Not only the recordings but also the effects that I have used from S-Gear (mainly) could be lost.... Is it possible to know what happens if I install Calkewalk by BandLab with these files and effects ? When I start to install Cakewalk by Bandlab, it starts with the installation of these 2 files Calkwalk Content and Projects: will the X1LE files and effects still be there or will this replace the X1 LE content and projects and I would have to re-install not only these but also the plugins for the effects ? I ask that as one year ago I had a monster crash with my computer and the hell a lot of problems to re-install the plugins for the sound effects...... Thanks in advance ! Walt?
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