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James Meyerhoffer

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  1. I physically moved the PC to another home. I have removed and re-installed Cakewalk, and the Assistant MULTIPLE times... it does nothing, nor does it change the behavior. Install location is always default. No matter WHERE I start Cakewalk from, it flashes to outline of the Program for a split second, then crashes....every....single....time. I have disabled AV, given it Admin rights, almost everything I can think of.... It just stopped for some reason and now it simply will not start. It has to be leaving a log record somewhere right?
  2. No, same behavior. It flashes like it about to open, then crashes to desktop. No change with Admin or Compatibility modes.
  3. Hello everyone. Long time user in need of a bit of technical help. My install was working fine, I moved locations, now Cakewalk won't open. When I click on the Button in the Assistant, the outer frame of the app with flash, and then disappear. I have removed and reinstalled both only to have the same condition. I think it might somehow be Audio device related in Windows 10, but honestly I've exhausted many options. Cakewalk simply will not open. Flashes, then crashes instantly back to a desktop. What can I do to narrow this down? Not sure what caused this out of the blue, but it's brought my entire rig to halt. Is there a diagnostic log I can dive into to see wtf is happening with it? I'm sitting in a room full of instruments and can't record a note. Help!
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