A portion of ppl bash Cakewalk, but it's one of the three first DAWs on the market. Some may say 'so?', and that's fair, because all DAWs have similarities, but Cakewalk declined in support many years ago after Roland tossed it, then Gibson grabbed it and ran it into the ground; its support declined (possibly less $$ going into its upkeep). The latest Indo-Asian company that's behind Bandlab has been bringing Cakewalk out of the ashes, and I was surprised to see that after plenty of software updates to the software they stopped updating Cakewalk by Bandlab... that's because they are working on a revamped version of Cakewalk Sonar( https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk?lang=en ) .
I am a bit cynical of all of this because I've watched the software decline support/online-presence-wise. I moved to Cubase, but may come back if they do well for the DAW in the long-run. I hate being with a company that has little dedication to such an old but excellent piece of software - OVER THE LONG-TERM. So far the ppl behind Cakewalk look to be bringing it back into competition against the other big players, but we'll see. If they do a solid job I'll switch from Cubase as I find I've used Cakewalk for so long that music creation has become tedious in Cubase i.e. having to learn the in's and out's of new software. No small feat when talking about a DAW. Don't let anyone tell you it's easy.