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Everything posted by marcopurple

  1. If I understood you correctly, the (melodyne) that comes with the package from the bandlab is a trial demo version that will need to be bought after a while, right? thank you for your help !!!
  2. I did not quite correctly explain, in the installation package from the BANDLAB, there is a MELODYNE, and it works in conjunction with the DAW, this particular APP I accidentally deleted, whether this version of the melody is paid or not, but it worked, and I am not sure how to restore it that the developers will send me a copy that was in the package
  3. I don't shout, it's just that the keyboard layout was like this))) thanks if it helped you, I'm very glad))
  4. Hello, I accidentally deleted the CELEMONY MELODYNE folder and now I don't have it, how can I restore it? re-installing does not solve the problem it does not appear
  5. THIS IS A BASIC FUNCTION, it converts the sound to midi notes, they have already explained to me why this does not work for me, I accidentally deleted (Melodyne), so the function does not work, now I do not know how to restore it all ((
  6. what I missed tell me what the problem is? Trying to get a transcription of a rather simple guitar lick , I copied (dragged and dropped) a short audio clip (lead guitar) to a midi instrument track. Hard drive grinds momentarily, but no clips show up on the midi track. What am I missing?
  7. how to fix it?? video record ? 2021-02-19 14-26-10.mkv i need this function, idk why2021-02-19 14-26-10.mkv dosnt work...... i have new updated bandlab
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