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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Personnaly , i adopt the NI komplete strategy , i wait 2 or 3 version before upgrading , and then it's worth , i'm still V5 here , i will wake up until eithr the V7 price is usper low or the V8 comes out with great stuff and spark again
  2. Zo

    XLN Audio XO

    In fact , prices is relativ to the frequency of usage you gonna have with this , i just finsihsed a whle album using 70 % of the time Sonicouture ELectro acoustics , so yep prices isn't cheap but if it serves the goal in a solid manner , i invest for a regular production type of work , i would say yep , it's expensive (if you do regular rock , country , ballad, even pop ect ....) if yo don any genre that you have room to "exotic moves" , it's a pure joy
  3. Zo

    XLN Audio XO

    You're welcome guyz and Have fun , it's really something , i will do also one for Atlas , waiting on the update to do a fair comparison .... so far i really enjoy this and really the sounds that comes with are a big plus to justify the purchase .....
  4. Zo

    XLN Audio XO

    Intro price is 179 at xln and way less at jrrshop or audio deluxe .... be sure to double check
  5. Still no WUP ...i wonder why it's still existing basically buying 29 $ plugins makes it more rentable than WUP to get those free with mercury !
  6. Zo

    XLN Audio XO

    Here's a video about How to set up XO withing Maschine !! Be absolutly sure to watch until the end , specially for group setting loading in maschine or you wiull be frustrated as hell !! Also notice that what i did here is what you would do with any multitimbrale instruments in maschine (from battery to Sonicouture Electro acoustics to Aave Alchemy Revolution ... any kontakt stuff ect .. Thks For watching and for requesting this video Hope you guyz enjoy this one
  7. Zo

    XLN Audio XO

    Hi , this is my take on Xln audio XO , a superb concept and greatly implemented . In this video i cover : 1) Concept 2) How to import and scan samples . 3) Kit creations 4) Pattern creation 5) Beat Combiner and sample combiner randomness 6) Routing in daw (multi out) and Midi export (@ 21 min) 7) Factory content kit tour (at 29 min) ? Conlcusions . Thks For watching and don't forget to like and sub if you feel like so . Hope you enjoyed . Featuring Wave Alchemy samples ...
  8. Zo

    XLN Audio XO

    Hey Friends i created this thread because i didn't saw it already created ... I want to be sure that you guyz consider this or even Atlas because i do think the introduction of AI in our world is a superb concept... Basically the AI will not only cathegorise your samples but also map them in a map where the distance between sound represents how close in timbre they are ...this will speed up your workflow , inspire you and makes your zillion samples management a joy ... I amde Two videos , one for the concept and one for how to set it up in Maschine Maschine guyz , be sure to watch the second one until the end cause what i did for XO is what you will do with any multimbrale in maschine (from kontakt stuff to omnipsher , falcon ect ...) On sale right now , EDU price availlable even on intro price https://www.xlnaudio.com/products/xo
  9. Wtf , i m always on the deal forum , just decide togo on the coffee house to found that event ! Bit , i hope everything is straigth now and if you need anything from us just ask , don t eventhink twice ...
  10. Thks .... do you own the tokyo ? by the way, ot , but i just released a video about xln audio xo .... this thing is all fun and deep ...
  11. Does it have all the character algos ? is that tokyo so called colored eq great ? Never tried it , i thinkitried some of their plugin but cpu made me skip ...
  12. Lar , are those exclusive to mixbuss still ?
  13. If anybody is interested to swap their chnadler for my megasingle , pm
  14. I have the symphobia stuff and i can say that those are just pure production ready material beauties , i don t regrets any $ spent on those .... giving that the essentials content are taken from those. I woul'say : exellent bang for the buck for any regular music producer , but if you re into orchestration , big package is the way to go ....
  15. Good idea , i would keep either the roland o rput nothing ...
  16. impossible to resell my lindells , now my amp (megasingle) now : If someone has a vaucher (it will serve for the transfert) and want to buy a mega single , i will sell it for 20 euros if anaybody intersted
  17. lol Fleer how do you want a pada one to understand us here lol .....the step from Kobester to Koby , to everyplugin is a looooooonnnnnggggggg one lol
  18. still too expensive , that said i bought philcascade for 75 $ knowing that i will see it at 49 (so virtually 25) in few months ?
  19. Also you can use your vaucher to lower the price
  20. Zo

    Boz Sasquatch 2

    Thks oncle L !!
  21. Zo

    Boz Sasquatch 2

    Yep i watched it , but the v1 seems as deep , i almost felt like some stuff lisding ( or must be the simplifued layout) anyway i will give it a test ... i ve been at plugin boutique , where do you see the free regroover option ?
  22. Well sergio it s more about what you need ... usually for sound generation , i give a high priority to inspiration and how fast i get what i need and want ..i ain t gonna spend dayz doing a/b like i can do with compressors lol ... so if you re after the absolute oberheim sound , this one might be what can def do it itb ...opx pro also is a beast ...but if you need to expand your sonic palette , it s about what s missing from your arsenal ... try it and let your feeling decide , and don t feel bad about the HW or even the software , if you decided to not gôfor itb, pretty sure in you subconscient you had good reasons
  23. Zo

    Boz Sasquatch 2

    Is it just new face lifting and the pianoroll ?
  24. Beware he L2 is exelltn , but from memory you can t deactivate bits resolution , so from memory , your audio will get out of this thing at 24 bits ...
  25. Yep in fact there s cons and pros , a big pro is project exchange between same daw users ... a lot of pro collegue do that ...also another pro is maintenance that is always done at the same as the daw itselff , you have a warranty compatibility and trouble free experience ... talking about the quality alot are made by Overloud , a brand synonimous with musicality in my book ...i love all their stuff ...
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