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Everything posted by Zo

  1. yep on the uad platform there's a lot of stuff native handle already but i ust confess that the reverb impressed me , as well as ocean way stuff...the akg spring also
  2. lol was watching this yesturday .....exellent but like i already said this emt layout is faster to handle with mouse ..lol
  3. i spent wayyyy more and still stuck in 25 $ vaucher
  4. I might need one ...
  5. Thks Oncle L ..
  6. i heard they might stop vauchers ?
  7. By the did anybody received its mai vaucher ?
  8. Thks Sergio , it's not that i don't get it ...it's just time consuming that's why i went for exemple for UHE basille style of stuff , pretty semi modular but straight to the point ...
  9. It s one of the most classy reveb around , not vulgarous if you see what i mean , like the sp2016 from eventide ... i did a small walkthrought there ...
  10. Thks a lot for the deep insight .... i like sound design but at the same time i like thing fast and intuitive , witch one would you recommend for a producer , not a synth head ....;)
  11. Thks'for he infos , this might be usefull ...
  12. Sergio , you seems a synth addict ,.....how do you find softube stuff ...versus NI modular in reaktor ?
  13. Ever been so un exited about a NI release like this one there lol ...
  14. Damm i went on heavycocity novo packs .....
  15. Yep that NI crap is killing , i can t update seveveral stuff cause of that ...
  16. I bought heavyocity stuff last dayz and guess what : another center to installl ...so i say yes we have to be peaky , because so much crap accumulation that maintenace is a full time job ...
  17. It hapened to vertigo 64 bits that's why i was giving this info
  18. Why did ya installed 32 bits version ? Cubase is known to not like even black list plugin that have both ?!!
  19. Working ok here but preset are slow to open as well as gui , presets are like 2 seconds before the list show up here , in studio one ...
  20. it's actually super simple , you also hgave a simplier version called the Mix component and the clipping in this is jut the ice of the cake (don't know if it's the good formula lol)
  21. Personnaly , i adopt the NI komplete strategy , i wait 2 or 3 version before upgrading , and then it's worth , i'm still V5 here , i will wake up until eithr the V7 price is usper low or the V8 comes out with great stuff and spark again
  22. Zo

    XLN Audio XO

    In fact , prices is relativ to the frequency of usage you gonna have with this , i just finsihsed a whle album using 70 % of the time Sonicouture ELectro acoustics , so yep prices isn't cheap but if it serves the goal in a solid manner , i invest for a regular production type of work , i would say yep , it's expensive (if you do regular rock , country , ballad, even pop ect ....) if yo don any genre that you have room to "exotic moves" , it's a pure joy
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