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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Well key is : I always take my time to explain my students the real essence of production witch is a very dense and crucial "event" that we have no control other ... Thing is when i start producing and then stop once i validate , i asked them what did i done ? and answer goes from beat makingt to creation ... I then explain them that we create nothing !!! Human is as egocentric and with big ego to think he can creates something !! They start to freak out lol ..... and i explain , yep creation occurs but in my head , coming from where ? well at least we know it's not consceince based ...if you create with the sens of mastering everything you're just repeating stuff already done , anyxway ...creation occurs in head , and what i did is what we call "production" witch the formalisation of something non "real" . And this very idea is unik witch means that in time + 1 it's not the same , so to get this idea formalised as it is (witch is what i call the instant truth) Delta T is crucial ! That's why when i see one of you guyz speding 30mintutes looking for a kick , this show that you have no idea on what part of the "production "process you're in and what have to be done to achieve it !! 30 mintutes on a kik is ok during post or pre production (usually pre ). Now all this to make em understand first to know what you're doing , then to know what to avoid and how to increase the quality of the process since you know what you're into (and the goal) !! This leads with the "Validation" process ....witch of course ,very few ogf them make ,since i see a lot of people with midi even in mixing stage !! The problem being to be able to validate a production you need to know if it can lead to a final picture what was the original "truth" . And you have to be sure that your printed the DNA of that Truth ...like i say to them : you guyz validate Cats dna and expect Dogs at the end !! Why do i explain this here on the forum ?. because i then explain to them that to go from the Production to a finshed product is a tutff road that they still don't know , and to make this road easier, key is : Shorten the distance !!! witch mean : QUALITY production !!!! Conclusion is Carlos , Piotr and the team .... tools are crucial when you know when and how to use them , what prupose they will serve and if they gonna be usefull in the specific type of process , Production (i mean all phase from pre prod to mastering) is composed of several phases and each one needs a specific procedure with tools that serves different needs , and differents ways !!! If you don't feel the need for something : 1) you're already covered 2) you don't know what can be its utility witch means work needs to be done to master your craft By the way mastering the craft is something we all do until the end !! If a tool makes you gain some time : Buy If a tool makes you inspired : Buy If a tool sounds killa but is a pain to use : ditch If a tool in any sens makes your work more solid (cpu hit , stability ect other another one ) : buy If a tool you don't know if you need it : not buy !! SORRY for the long post i wish we could tcaht live to talk those concept as this is where thing start to get real
  2. triple cost means triple use !!
  3. i'll take eventide instead any day , M/S features is cool but between eventide , TC , Sunset from ik and Lexicon PCM , somebody will never need more lol (notice i didn't talked about the zillions i have also lol from tsar , slateverbsuites, EW Spaces , NI , PSP ,Waves ect ...lol )
  4. I was talking about the Rigs more i have those if i recall well in the full version , nope ?
  5. Zzzzzz lol those rounds so boring .... looks like my vaucher gonna die ..
  6. Can we actually demo those 29 euros expansion ?
  7. Saying this because some people actually asked me on my youtube channel since i m chilling on reviews. Lol. Fact is i don t smoke ... or drink either lol ....this might be the scariest thing ...lol
  8. Lol man this what i was trying to explain the whole thread , i don t own thu and i stated i needed to own it , full or not lol when you pointed me the different versions , i m in th3 and asked for an upgrade but it s a shame since to have to do so to demo those thing , witch by theway have to be purchased to be demoed ? Thks anyway ... i really hope the will propose a bettzr update , at least with better resolution on zoomed stuff ect to make it worth the upgrade ...
  9. Lol i swear i m not high , but how am i supposed to open the rig player if i don t have THU !!!
  10. For hip hop or modern production , more than enougth !!! For movies and realistic stuff , it sound great but you will miss instuments and articultions .... I do find it easier than spitfire to incorporate in production i stated , more in the project sam territory .... Download it and use the demo mode , i don't know if it's possible , it used to be possible in NI promo
  11. Be patient lol it's on my list also ahahahah .... i didn't gave it attention , tested it for the job (i need ot know theml all for projects and students) and i was like damn.....this thing is worth the first amps alone but not at 99 Euros !! Nameless is not the same gem at all ....
  12. Rig player has to be opened in thu , nope or is it another plugin on its iwn , for me rig player is the new thing added to thu ...
  13. Solstice Sale , nope ?
  14. But i own none of those thu , does it come with a thu player , this is my question ?!
  15. re you sure bout that , i know old lib were like that but new need THU full nope ?
  16. in each one you have clean tones , depends if you need more versatility or not , if i had to keep one this would be nolly imho , clean are superb in plini and abasi first amps as well as nolly ... also the fortin cali suite has a superb clean channel witch is imho the start of the show ....
  17. No nebula here , after early adoption and the messs i gave up , then had hope with last core engine but giving what we have with other brands , i didn t jumped back ... thks for the link ...
  18. Yep , when i first tried taupe i had zipper noises just to find out that no 48 khz files were availlable , they then sampled the corresponding ones ... Does this sound like a real 33609 or do they still fail in the comp area (specially the attack) ?
  19. Wanted to try navy 2 but sample rates 44 and 96 , no 48 !!
  20. Thks homie , in fact i just wanted to try their ir things ... can t be do e from th3 wicth is a shame ...
  21. Zo

    Free Cthulhu presets

    Did ya tested them ?
  22. Still no THU upgrade sale ? (from TH3)
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