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  1. Thanks for trying to help, scook ? I've tested several driver modes in the preferences combobox : ASIO, WINAPI exclusive, WINAPI shared, MME driver, no luck with all of them. And still no error message, so it's difficult to understand what's happening. I've tried to send MIDI data on an external MIDI device (Yamaha PSR-SX900) or using internal MS wavetable, both without success. I also have different GM/GS/XG soundfonts installed, but didn't find how to active them through MIDI mapping within Cakewalk. OK no joke if you like, but still I find it extremely disappointing to have an audio software in 2020 unable to correctly analyze some standard hardware and not working out of the box... The lack of error message is just unforgivable... sciroccorics
  2. Hello, I've installed Cakewalk this afternoon, to test the new "free" version by Bandlab (I've used Cakewalk years ago, and never since then). I started with a simple test : create an empty project, import one of my MIDI file and check how it sounds. And guess what ? No sound ! But also no error message ! I'm on Win10, using a Realtek audio card with native ASIO support. I've tested more than twenty different DAWs/midi players/midi editors on the same hardware without any problem. Is this software a joke ? Regards, sciroccorics
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