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Anthony Bennett

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Everything posted by Anthony Bennett

  1. Thank you to someone (sorry, I forgot who and where) who made a basic Line 6 instrument definition. I took that, and enhanced it with Controllers, all the patch banks (sorry, no patch names at that doesn't seem to be documented anywhere and I wasn't going to write them out manually), etc. It'll probably work with other Helix devices that just have more/less patch slots. Line 6 Helix.ins
  2. BOSS ME-90B.ins Note: you need to have the BOSS Windows of MacOS driver installed to connect the ME-90B to your PC or Mac. The driver creates the virtual MIDI interface that your DAW can then use.
  3. This should also work on the Roland SPD-SX (i.e. non-PRO) albeit it has less Kit slots from memory. Roland SPD-SX PRO - generic.ins
  4. Logic Pro allows you to export to WAV file and include Markers which other apps, e.g. Stage Traxx 3, can then read. It would be great if Cakewalk Sonar could also include the ability to include Markers in WAV file export The specification used by apps to read these markers is documented here - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/audiotoolbox/kaudiofilepropertymarkerlist
  5. Exactly the problem I needed to solve. Solution worked perfectly. Now, why oh why can't there be an option to save Track Templates WITH MIDI events in them? In my case, it is tracks for MIDI automation and I want to initialize devices the same way 99% of the time, thus having the event data in the track template would just save me some steps.
  6. I need to work in H:M:S:Milliseconds In the Event List, I'd dearly love to be able to either customize the timestamp column, or have selectable columns for whatever timestamp formats I want to display, that includes H:M:S:Milliseconds
  7. Did you ever find a solution to this? I'm in the same boat, and needing to export a track of MIDI controller events into a text file of some sort so I can manipulate the formatting. I'm trying to get the data into Stage Traxx 3 on iPad and it has it's own command structure (https://stagetraxx.com/user-guide/midi/#send-midi) so if I can start by exporting the data from Sonar's Event List, and then using scripting (or even Excel) to do as much data transformation as possible, I can minimise the amount of manual effort involved. I've seen a lot of remarks about Printing to PDF etc. but I can't get Sonar (v2024.12) to do anything when I Print, regardless of what sort of print driver (physical printer, Adobe PDF printer, Microsoft OneNote printer). Just nothing happens. I've checked for popup boxes and dialogs that might be behind windows, but nothing.
  8. So given the lack of traffic in this forum, I figured there was no point waiting, plus a major storm knocked out my internet for almost 4 days (aside from hot-spotting to my phone which only gets 1-2 bars of signal at best at my house) so I leapt in and built one. Here's where I've got to. I haven't actually tested this yet as I need to get my guitarist's device to perform functional testing, but in theory it looks correct (famous last words). I'll come back and update it if and when testing uncovers any issues. The other guitarist in my band has a Line 6 Helix LT so I'm sure it won't be long before I'm being asked to automate patch changes for that as well and I'll be back creating another instrument definition! Lessons Learnt: Controller Names have a maximum length else they will not show up in the Event List. I don't know what that exact max. character limit is, but the longest I have is 36 characters so it will only be a few above that. To make it more fun, you can import a definition with longer controller names (i.e. no data validation on import), and when you go into the Instrument Definitions in Cakewalk/Sonar, and edit the controller names via the UI, there is also no validation (i.e. you can make them as long as you like). I started crafting my definition file by hand, but patch names would not import and I couldn't work out why, so I worked backwards, created a few patches in each bank in the Ins. Def. UI, and then exported to see what I was doing wrong. The dumb mistake I made was that even though in the .Patch Names section of the file, the patch 'header' has square brackets around it (e.g. [Hotone Ampero II Stage Patch A01-1 to A26-3]), when you reference them down in the .Instrument Definitions section, you do NOT use square brackets (e.g. Patch[1]=Hotone Ampero II Stage Patch A26-4 to A52-1). Change Log: 31 Jan 2025 - Correct typo on Controller 65 (error should not affect functionality) 23 Jan 2025 - Fixed many of the controller names being too long to display in Sonar Hotone Ampero II Stage - generic.ins
  9. While I've muddled along with synth instrument definitions files on and off over the years, I've recently had a need to start controlling my guitarist's Hotone Ampero II Stage effects unit (https://www.hotone.com/products/multi-effects/Ampero II Stage). I know this is a Hail Mary to save me some time, but has anyone already created a Instrument Definition file for this device. If not, I'll happily go with anything similar as it will still save me time modifying another instrument multi-effects unit INS file. Hotone actually produce a pretty good MIDI implementation document for the device (https://hotoneaudio.oss-accelerate.aliyuncs.com/prod/support/Ampero II Stage_MIDI Control Information List_EN_Firmware V1.0.2.1703146582227.pdf) so that will help me somewhat.
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