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  1. Thanks for responding, I have noticed that if the Midi Keyboard is turned off and then powered on after Windows startup is finished then Cakewalk will recognize the device, it seems as though Windows doesn't recognize the device if it is connected and powered on before the Windows operating system is loaded....?☕
  2. Please make cakewalk remember the count in ☕
  3. After months of trouble shooting, I've finally found the setting in preferences that kills the audible glitches at the loop points when time stretching. Preferences page / Customizations / Snap to Nearest Audio Zero Crossings.  "Automatically snap edited audio clips to the nearest zero crossing of the waveform (the point at which there is no volume) to minimize glitches that can happen when waveforms are spliced together." ?
  4. Cactus Studios you have awesome tutorials my friend. ?
  5. Free Sampler VST Speed Drum Lite update was released today https://www.apisoniclabs.com/
  6. I have an older, but capable PC with AMD (A10) CPU, 32Gig of Ram and SSD as the main drive. I was having some issues with audible artifacts and the performance of the audio drivers which I have set at 24bit 48khz. Today I decided to turn off the 64-bit Double Precision Engine. This seems to have improved the system performance and removed the artifacts I was hearing. Possible or placebo ? ? ☕
  7. deselecting the 64-bit Double Precision Engine seems to have fixed the problem
  8. seems like I have to fiddle with the settings in Cakewalk but Reaper just seems to work......but I really do think it's operator error, I'm hoping there maybe some default audio settings in Reaper that I can look for that are similar in Cakewalk and I can change them manually.
  9. I always hear artifacts at the loop points of time stretched audio clips. Are there any settings in the preferences menu that will improve the real-time performance of the Elastique pro time stretch algorithm ? Why does Reaper seem to perform time stretch so well compared to Cakewalk. Is there something under the hood that I am missing ? ❔
  10. Does there need to be a revenue stream to support development or licensing of a new integrated sampler feature ❔
  11. ? always save your project before changing the buffer size ?
  12. My interface is the SSL 2, I think the drivers are the issue, I usually start a Project with a buffer of 128, from there i will gradually increase up to 1024. I am noticing more frequent crashes after selecting the new buffer size and closing the preferences dialog
  13. Recently I noticed that changing or increasing the ASIO buffer size, will cause a DAW to crash (doesn't matter which DAW, I have experienced this behavior with Cakewalk, FL Studio, Cubase, and Reaper) I often have to Power the PC down and do a hard Windows restart to restore the normal ASIO driver function) would this be a Windows problem, or a USB Audio Driver issue ??
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