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Scott C. Stahl

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  1. That is really good to hear. If dealing with this situation is a part of helping the product improve, that'd be great!
  2. Excellent! I actually had that happen previously. I did wait 2+ hrs on the last try for that reason, but no soap. Maybe I'll try an overnight!
  3. Wow, thanks for doing this! The only 32 bit plug I use is Perfect Space. Still my Fav despite buying almost every other Reverb made. Fortunately it loads up fine on other projects.
  4. Hello. I'm not getting a response after posting the link to my .dmp file to support and on here. Would be interested in hearing what may have been found. Thanks!
  5. I originally started recording this in 2011 so it's OLD. I had been rolling along fine in whichever version of Sonar, CbB, etc. There are a ton of older plugins and ways of doing things abandoned or deleted over the years so who knows what is specifically setting this off. Project versions worked on before late December open ok. After that, none of the last 5 or 6 versions open, even tho I worked on it the last time without issues on Dec 30th. So whatever changed between then and now is what I would have to suspect. I'm on build 2024.12 so nothing should have changed between then and now. Perhaps something in my system, but with others also having similar issues, I'm at a loss. Fortunately, it works fine in CbB and I've made the changes I wanted. So far, so good. Working in CbB again makes me miss track colors badly, I mean real track colors...Not some dinky bar next to it
  6. I forgot how much I liked my old Cbb! Opens up fine here... whew! I'll try to finish my changes and resave 40 diff ways from sunday. Was able to get mix notes from 273 on copied over to the text doc as well. Gettin sloppy! I also noticed that I must have been fooling with the transient match at one time because it gave me the notification it was generating them (Something the New Sonar will not do). Every mix I do crank out will be glorious 24 bit in case the whole ship goes down, that's for sure!
  7. I've been suspecting my system HDD for some time (an M.2 2 TB) I'm running out of time... I suspect the whole thing will go soon. Oh well, more money, aggravation and time. What else is new?!? lol Thanks for checking it out
  8. The project is years old and started out in the old sonar, then Cbb, then a number of reworkings in the New Sonar. I have Cbb, (Jeez, I forgot about trying that!) I'll try it out and see if I can't streamline it some way. I did manage to get mix 244b to open which is (40+ iterations ago) in Sonar last night so I'll concentrate on the changes since then. Probably some corrupted data or Kontakt issue. A shame because I was just a cpl of adjustments away from being finished and sounding good despite the bloated nature of the thing! Thanks for the input and work! I copied the mix notes up to mix 272 to a word document so I'll at least have a few clues on some possible things I did in between to concentrate on. I sent a link to the .dmp file to the bakers, but have yet to hear back. I'll paste the link here as well for giggles. Thanks again! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LhkGnySzoVzD9yNTc_PCDlUG3Tf2Ibva/view?usp=drive_link
  9. Very generous! Here's the onedrive link. It won't load on my system even without audio files or plugins. Here's the link. Thanks! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zXcHOhRzkBLixxbUTux9PAMPBqOhc8lW/view?usp=drive_link
  10. Sonar Crashes trying to open a particular project no matter what mix number. Seems to open fine with other projects. I have multiple crashes generating multiple .dmp files. Always crashes the exact same way Seemingly installing all plugins then hanging as project files start to load. Win 10 Latest Sonar build. Already tried installing the new redistributable provided and no change. Also tried safe mode installing no plugins. Still no dice. In the process of send a dmp file to support
  11. Trying out Sonarworks AI voice plugin. Sonar 1st Crashed earlier loading a second instance of the plugin. Next crash occurred just after turning on Perfect space on another track with no Sonarworks instance. Trying out the plugin to see how it goes with my workflow and sound. These crashes kinda make me wonder how useful sonarworks AI would be for me. DMP files submitted with crash report. Here are the texts generated as well Gonna Be Alright 43_12062024_142253.txt Gonna Be Alright 43 a AI Voice_12062024_155833.txt
  12. When I do a "save as" with changes in the project it goes back to the 40 second routine. Sorry about the confusion. I should have been clearer
  13. I was working on mix 186a. Without changing anything in the project, I did a "save as" 186b. That went quite a bit faster
  14. I'm on Win 10. I did use my cell phone cam to catch the save behavior tho. My project takes 40 seconds from the time I click the dialog save button to finish. First, it sits for 5 or 6 seconds, then flashes a "not responding" message for a split second. The progress bar then moves normally after that till the halfway point and stops. It sits at that spot for another 15 seconds or so, then finishes the save. For a total of 40 seconds. As an experiment, I changed the version # of the mix without any actual changes to see how it would do. It zipped through the save without a hitch
  15. That would be interesting to compare, thanks! I don't know how to video my desktop or have any software to do so like camtasia or something. The drawing issue not terribly important at this point to me anyway as it is intermittent and a fairly fast effect. Like a swipe effect in a video from left to right. Just thought I'd report what I've been seeing. On another note: I tried the ctrl/exit. I then opened the project up later to make some changes and found it did not remember the last project it had open. I had to go to the project file via explorer to open the latest project. Projects do open faster in general and the VST scan is much faster now as well... so very good there! Thanks!
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