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Everything posted by augustenz

  1. There is also vPlayer, $6 for the full version, but there is also a free 1 instrument slot Lite version: https://www.digitalbrain-instruments.com/vplayer4 Can load VST3 as well and FX VST plugins for the instruments.
  2. The Softube bundle is nice, bought it sometime ago. If you get it from Plugin Boutique you can also grab Antares Choir (also for doubling/multiplying vocals): https://www.pluginboutique.com/articles/1954-Claim-your-FREE-copy-of-Drum-Synth-Dawesome-LOVE-Antares-Choir-or-Loopcloud-1-Month-Artist-Plan https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/2211-CHOIR
  3. 32 Guitars. A Symphony of Emotions. Emotional Guitars features 32 guitars, each conveying a distinct, powerful emotion. https://soundpaint.com/products/emotional-guitars-multi Use code: EMOGUITARSX1220 Valid until the 27th of December. Nice one, but Size: 18.98 GB!
  4. It is possible to release on Beatport with Tunecore, with an extra fee ($7.99 per month, billed annually - this cost covers all of the releases on the account) : https://support.tunecore.com/hc/en-us/articles/14208503709972-Beatport
  5. They state that they're using Payoneer to store the royalties, which can be withdrawn to a PayPal account, bank account etc.: https://support.tunecore.com/hc/en-us/articles/115006508087-How-do-I-withdraw-my-money- CDBaby is a onetime $9.99 for a release and 9% royalties commission thereafter, with free UPC & ISRC codes: https://cdbaby.com/cd-baby-cost/
  6. I have just started with distribution and publishing a couple of months ago, so I haven't put out much yet, so no real experience on payouts etc., but when I did some research to choose a good distributor, it boiled down to Tunecore or CDBaby, mostly because they are reputable, affordable and both have a Publishing service as well, so one can get everything in one place. I went for Tunecore Distribution and Publishing Administration in the end, as among other things I liked, there is no commission on distribution royalties (but there is a 50% commission on sync royalties and 15% on other royalties, regarding the Publishing Administration). I got most of the info, when I did the research, from Ari's Take: https://aristake.com/digital-distribution-comparison/ https://aristake.com/admin-publishing-comparison/
  7. Yes, I am also on the fence about this one, it seems to be a very interesting effect, sounds very good and unique, (also a couple of $ less - my mistake, I'm seeing the prices in €, it is the same price, $49) also on Plugin Boutique (https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/10105-Supermodal) it seems and you can even shave off a bit more if you have tokens/virtual cash. Already bought Comet and a couple more things (not much) this month, have too much of everything already, so there are not many things that make me go FOMO, but things like these do catch my attention, we'll see!
  8. As a community that beats at the heart of innovation, we're excited to share with you an exclusive heads-up on our upcoming Black Friday Sale, with sensational deals of up to 80% off on Polyverse Music Plug-ins! From November 14th to December 4th, we're celebrating the creative spirit of our Polyverse community with discounts of up to 50% on the plug-ins that have become staples in the industry. It's our way of saying thank you for pushing the boundaries of music with us. The sale will be opening with a special 24-Hour 80% Comet Flash Sale: this lush reverb can be yours for just $29! A leap down from its original price of $149. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 14th this flash sale is our gift to you, the heartbeat of Polyverse. This year’s Black Friday - Cyber Monday deals up to 50% off Supermodal: Carve and craft with the ultimate modal filter for $49 (was $99). Manipulator: Bend and warp vocals to uncharted territories, now just $89 (was $149). I Wish: Instantaneously freeze your audio for $49 (was $99). Comet: Add a layer of lush, versatile reverb for $89 (was $149). Gatekeeper: Modulate volume with precision for $39 (was $49). Maximize Value with Bundle Offers: Infected Mushroom Bundle Deal: Snag I Wish, Manipulator, and Gatekeeper for a mere $199 (valued at $297). Polyverse Bundle Deal: Equip your studio with the full array of Polyverse plug-ins for $359 (valued at $545). Don't miss the beat – Drop into polyversemusic.com and Grab the Polyverse Black Friday deals before they're gone!
  9. Your Custom Electric Piano Immerse yourself in the sonic essence of retro with Electric Keys – the plugin that revives the beloved tones of classic FM electric pianos! Crafted for the neo-80s music connoisseur, it offers iconic presets and dual built-in DSP effect units to sculpt the perfect vintage sound. For a brief moment in time, this gem can be yours for FREE (original price: $29)! Seize the chance to add timeless vibes to your tracks, and let the warmth of yesteryear’s electric pianos enrich your melodies. https://karanyisounds.com/product/electric-keys/
  10. Yep, but as I have mentioned, sometimes certain plugins may behave differently compared to others, so even though it may seem that everything is ok, as everything else is working fine and this is the only plugin that is misbehaving, does not rule out that it may be a latency or driver compatibility issue with that specific plugin. Also sorry for suggesting Cubase's ASIO driver, didn't realize that CbB stands for Cakewalk by Bandlab (thought it was some version of Cubase)! But Asio4all would be worth a try: https://asio4all.org/2-15/ or KoordASIO: https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/koordasio-universal-driver/XP9CSS6NZBDV21 I just read the thread @chris.r posted and it seems that it is happening to others too, so it may be a common issue with CbB and this plugin. One user stated that unchecking the VST3 Migration boxes solved it, another that downgrading to the version 5.4 solved it. Another thing to try, even though it is not really a solution, is to try the plugin with a different DAW (on the same system) - if the problem goes away, then it is most probably some incompatibility between CbB and this plugin.
  11. Hmm, weird indeed. How about the audio interface? Is the driver up to date? What ASIO driver are you using? Maybe Asio4All, KoordASIO or the Cubase Generic Low Latency ASIO driver solves the issue? Another thing that has happened to me, Arturia instruments and plugins would not work at all in Cubase with my interface's ASIO driver (which is outdated and there are no updates available as it is old), but would work with Asio4All and the others. What I found, through trial and error, was that anything below 100ms latency would work ok with my interface's ASIO driver, but equal to or above 100ms - no sound/processing. The crazy thing is that it only affected the Arturia products. Everything else had no such problem with the latency, which made it even weirder and harder to troubleshoot. So maybe trying a different driver or a different latency may solve the problem.
  12. So it was not the latency after all? I just opened a project and put it on a channel, left it playing for the whole length and there were no artifacts etc., it worked normally. I am on Windows 10, using Cubase Pro 12. Did you activate the license on the computer using iLok?
  13. Also this one: https://plugindeals.org/blackfriday/ and this one on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AudioProductionDeals/comments/17l4fm5/psa_welcome_to_black_november_2023_info_and/ (the main one is: https://www.reddit.com/r/AudioProductionDeals/new/)
  14. I'd say 1 or 4, you've done the work to collect (which includes, among other things, finding those things and the testing you've done to then form an opinion, plus other member's recommendations) and type the information in the list, I don't think that losing that information is good, restructuring or enhancing what is there would be better (if needed). Maybe, if you feel it should be more compact or more specific or organized, a Top 5 or Top 10 section with your favorites/best recommendations for every category and another Honorable Mentions one with all the rest/alternatives. It may also happen that something that used to be available is later not available anymore or outdated (if not maintained by the creator), so any redundancy could be helpful in those cases. Also, why is this thread not pinned?
  15. Hmm, just took a look and indeed those checkboxes will not stay checked, but it seems that the newsletter is being delivered anyway. There was no recent newsletter though, at least not about this giveaway, the last newsletter I got was on the 19th of October, about a podcast.
  16. Very good work! What? Oh, that's nothing, something just got in my eye Listened and liked on Spotify too!
  17. Haha, yes, it went from 0 to 100 pretty quickly! ? Also got ImpOSCar 2 (I actually subbed this time, as it seems that more good things are coming and it goes down to €2/issue with a sub on Zinio), Air Bassline (but will have to see if it is Mac only), the Arturia soundbank and will also get Mellow 2 (got Rowdy 2 too a couple of days ago), just waiting to see what offers will show up until the 20th before buying something.
  18. FREE LITTLE PLATE The lush sound of plate reverb – with a modern twist. A $99 value. Ends December 1. Limit one per customer. Offer not valid if you have previously received Little Plate for free. https://www.soundtoys.com/ https://forms.soundtoys.com/#/little-plate-promo
  19. Awesome! I got it just now, was on my "maybe" list from the current deals, good timing! But it seems to only have two zip files for the inMusic Software Center, both of which are for Macs, but can't seem to find a Windows exe, is there something I'm not seeing or is it Mac only?
  20. I thought that I had the bundle already, or that it got updated with the new additions automatically, but you made me check again and even though I had "Yangqin", I did not have Analog Dreams, Guitar Rig 7 Player, and Replika, awesome! I think Vinyl too, but not sure about that one as it says Update instead of Install (but there was no update for it a couple of days ago, so either the update is new or something else was going on).
  21. Awesome find, I installed it immediately! Very good presets actually. Also, just in case it was unknown, presets from other Arturia instruments also work with Analog Lab, so if you go to sounds, then press FREE (first filter option) and then select every instrument except MatrixBute, MicroFreak and PolyBrute Connect, you get a list with free presets that are compatible with Analog Lab. These are: Marc Houle's Signature: https://www.arturia.com/sounds#marc_houles_signature (does not seem to work with the url, but will show up if you apply the filters) Ariel Proksa's Signature: https://www.arturia.com/sounds#ariel_proksas_signature Past To The Future: https://www.arturia.com/sounds#past_to_the_future Lyli’s Signature: https://www.arturia.com/sounds#lylis_signature Iconic Vibration: https://www.arturia.com/sounds#iconic_vibration Percussive Drive: https://www.arturia.com/sounds#percussive_drive And of course the free Analog Lab presets: Vintouch Vol 1: https://www.arturia.com/sounds#vintouch_vol_1 JSPA: https://www.arturia.com/sounds#jspa A couple of 3rd party free ones: Spores: https://shop.whoisjbeats.com/products/spores-analog-v-preset-bank-40-presets Amiriaga: https://shop.whoisjbeats.com/products/amiriaga-analog-v-preset-bank-midi-kit Iridescence: https://jukeboxjuice.net/blog/free-analog-lab-preset-bank-iridescence-14355 and for a limited time free (another 9 days) on VstAlarm (I think it has already been posted here before), Orchid: https://vstalarm.com/product/orchid-analog-lab-bank-by-audio-juice-limited-time-free/ and finally Vicious Antelope has many free Arturia (and others) presets: https://www.viciousantelope.com/presets-for-synths?Pack+Type=Free+Preset+Packs I couldn't find a setting to change the GUI to the new Play Mode though. Maybe for the time being, the only way to get the new GUI is downloading and installing the free version I guess, but I haven't tried that. Also while browsing the free Analog Lab page, I saw this preset pack: https://www.arturia.com/support/analoglabplaydownloading#starcadians_signature which doesn't have a price, so maybe it is also free, but does not seem to be working at the moment, maybe it is an upcoming one?
  22. Haha, true! Although not really that much rebranding, they did develop it after all! But I do believe that it is a different product nonetheless and that they have indeed progressed even further with their AI after all these years. Edit: I got Balancer for free on both the Focusrite (because of Novation hardware) and Sonible (although downloadable from within the account, there is no product page anymore) accounts, so it seems that both companies had it available at some point. Now you can buy FAST plugins only from Focusrite.
  23. I believe yes, the FAST plugins are older, this Pure one is in the same philosophy but uses a newer engine. Here is what they are saying for the difference between FAST Balancer and PureEQ (I guess that the same applies to the other plugins in the series): https://help.sonible.com/hc/en-us/articles/10308416060572-What-s-the-difference-between-the-plug-in-Balancer-and-pure-EQ- "The plug-in Balancer was developed in the course of a temporary joined project with Focusrite in late 2019 and is based on sonible's first generation AI technology. While both plug-ins, pure:EQ and Balancer, offer simple control over the spectral balance of a signal, pure:EQ is cut from the same cloth as smart:EQ 3 and is based on sonible's latest neural networks with support for real-time dynamic adaption and an extensive list of instrument and vocal profiles."
  24. Just got the email about this as well, wow, since Dirk has left it is indeed going from bad to worse, good thing that I got most of the plugins while things were good.
  25. Also don't forget about these as well, if you got the free LA-2A (https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/8-Compressor/11372-LA-2A-Tube-Compressor) : Teletronix LA-2A Leveler Collection Crossgrade from FREE LA-2A Tube Compressor ($29) : Audiodeluxe: https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/universal-audio-teletronix%C2%AE-la-2a-classic-leveler-collection-upgrade-free-la Plugin Boutique: https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/8-Compressor/11373-Teletronix-LA-2A-Leveler-Collection-Crossgrade-from-FREE-LA-2A-Tube-Compressor UAD Essentials Edition - Crossgrade Bundle from FREE LA-2A ($49) : Audiodeluxe: https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/universal-audio-essentials-bundle-upgrade-free-la-2a Plugin Boutique: https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/39-Effects-Bundles/11416-UAD-Essentials-Edition-Crossgrade-Bundle-from-FREE-LA-2A UAD Mix Edition - Crossgrade Bundle from FREE LA-2A ($199.00) : Audiodeluxe: https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/universal-audio-mix-edition-bundle-upgrade-free-la-2a Plugin Boutique: https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/39-FX-Bundle/11417-UAD-Mix-Edition-LTD-TIME-OFFER I bought the Essentials bundle, awesome (as in unbelievable) price for testing the UAD waters (which so far seem to be very good)! I think the promo runs until the 31st.
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