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Icarus Stall

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  1. Apparently, I was only selecting the instrument (audio) tracks. Selecting both gave me a valid bounce. Thanks, Nigel. I was ready to tear my hair out... ?
  2. I bounced three MIDI tracks from a soft synth (MT-Power Drumkit) to audio, but made the mistake of bouncing to mono tracks instead of stereo. Other than not being in stereo, the original bounce worked fine on all three tracks as seen in the first attached screenshot. I'm now trying to bounce the three MIDI tracks to audio a second time as a stereo bounce. Unfortunately, no matter how I try to delete or wipe the original bounced tracks, I'm simply getting two blank lines on the second bounces (see second attached screenshot) which of course means there is no audio to play back. I've tried everything I can think of to remedy this and get a valid stereo bounce. I've even tried a second mono bounce, and that didn't work either, resulting in one blank line on the bounced audio track. Is there a way to fix this that I'm just not getting? Does Cakewalk only allow you to bounce MIDI to audio once? This seems unlikely to me, but certainly possible. Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated...
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