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Everything posted by Steve_Karl

  1. Please ignore. Thank you!
  2. There are also hot keys to go to previous marker and go to next marker.
  3. It seems to me that just dropping Markers like V1 B1 CH1 V2 B2 CH2 would solve the whole problem and the markers would be in sync in PRV.
  4. Copy Special will allow you to copy automation envelopes also.
  5. Thanks Jack, I've had latency mon for about a decade or more.
  6. Funny story about newer is better. Google speech to text on Android - the original version (green button) responds correctly to "new paragraph" and does a double space immediately. The newest (blue button) version has no clue to this command - and yet the newest version is a forced download without user consent and will update quickly after every time I nuke it. The only way to get back to the green button version is to disable the Google app - forcing a reset to the factory installed version - then re enable the app. Back to nVidia - when the official nVidia driver is installed it runs at least 1 or 2 extra processes called nVidia Container. Not so with the MSFT supplied driver. The last time the nVidia driver for my card was updated was in 2017 but to know for sure I'd have to install the nVidia control panel which is bloat ware. So, thanks for the confirmation about 3D. I can put that one to rest and get back to other things! I, usually never update anything unless I see a user perk associated with the update. I have CbB installed - who wouldn't out of curiosity - but my main DAW is still Sonar Platinum (final good PRV) Version: 2017.01 ( ) I still can't get the newer PRV design to work as quickly as 2017.01 because of lost hot keys, moved MSR buttons, and probably a few other issues, .... yea ... filter this! ... and the CbB PRV also doesn't "look" as well defined as 2017.01 when it comes to colors. Anyway, thanks for the confirm on the 3D. Much appreciated.
  7. I'm more of a "if it ain't broke don't fix it" person. I won't assume that the newest nVida driver is better than what I already have ... that is working perfectly. I was just hoping someone to confirm that 3D is not even happening on my PC.
  8. Thank you both. Also, I discovered what intel virtualization technology is and that there's no need for it and it won't give any boost to performance.
  9. So, I *do* have an nVidia card, ... a GeForce GTX 750 Ti ... but on my audio OS I am using the Microsoft driver that auto installed and it's working fine. I don't have nVida control panel installed as it can be sneaking around in the background, as I've found on other OS builds. So I'm going to guess that I don't have any 3D settings available or even running and that I'm probably better off not installing the nVidia control panel to find out. Any thoughts on this? Thanks!
  10. Hi there, I just upped to Windows 10 pro and am seeing slightly less power (than Win 7 pro) when it comes to low latency without crackles. My typical project is a lot of Kontakt instruments, like Spitfire Symphony Orchestra in 3 instances of Kontakt 5, and that will be what will put me into some crackles if I try to run at 2.9 MS. So, I'm looking for ways to get a tiny bit of power back. Does anyone have any thoughts on intel virtualization technology? ... on or off? Also, how about disabling Windows indexing and search? Thank you! Steve
  11. Hi there, Just wondering if over clocking my i7-2600k - (32 GB of DDR 3 at 1600) will give me any noticeable performance gain - i.e. lower latency with no crackles with projects that are mainly Kontakt 5 and Kontakt 6 and fairly heavy with Spitfire Symphony Orchestra. Example: 3 instances of Kontakt 5 for SSO. 1 instance of K5 for percussion (old instuments - not very needy ) 1 instance of Kontakt 6 running Cremona Quartet. I'm currently in final mix stage of 3 projects that are using this orchestra layout and SSO is using all 3 mic positions most of the time, and in the heaviest of the 3 movements I'm running at 1,024 Samples / 23 MS and usually have to freeze and unfreeze 2 instances of Kontakt, when needing to go back to midi to make changes, to keep things running easily. So, I'll have usually the K6 instance rendered to audio and 2 K5 instances rendered to audio. I'm using pro channel EQ and console emulation on all audio tracks and only a few other plugins like 2 reverbs and 2 multi-band compressors. I generally understand over clocking and the risks and what to watch out for so no need for cautions there. I guess the question really is, how much does a higher CPU clock speed contribute to low latency performance in a situation like this? Thanks! Steve
  12. I'm not sure of a program but it sounds like you're looking for a some software that does batch operations.
  13. For the way I work, the new PRV is a big slow down in work flow. If it works for others then great. No need to discuss it further. If you're really curious find some of my old posts about it.
  14. Nothing to loose other than a very functional PRV. (snort) Anyway I found the issue. The Read Automation Button was only Half Lit. Click it Off all the way then click it back on and it's fully lit and low reads what I now assume as secondary automation like sends. So ... problem solved.
  15. Hi there, (In Sonar Platinum) I've got one Sonar Platinum project with about 50+ audio tracks in it and it's mostly finished and mixed. I've started adding sends from some audio tracks to a global reverb bus. When attempting to automate the send level it doesn't work. The envelope goes in fine. No problem entering nodes and changing the levels / curve of the envelope. but the envelope isn't controlling the send knob. Everything looks right, but the envelope just doesn't control the send level knob. Volume and Pan envelopes are working correctly. The work around that I've found is to insert a new audio track (not clone) and copy the audio and automation from the original track to the new track and that fixes the problem. I'm thinking there might be some setting that got applied globally to all the audio tracks that I'm not seeing or aware of that would save me from the long work around? Or maybe it's a setting on the original track that I'm not seeing that is stopping the envelope from changing the send knob level? The project was started in the same version of Sonar that I'm still using. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks! Steve
  16. Thanks for the thoughts, but I was a bit unclear in my OP. After messing with the options I did reset back to my typical, which I have been using for years, and that is with UNCHECKED > Zero controllers when playback stops CHECKED > Midi event Chase on play CHECKED > Include note events and it is now chasing all midi events, including controllers, correctly. Just to be sure I tested again just 5 minutes ago. The reason for me, and I believe the intended reason for having the option to have Zero controllers when playback stops > UNCHECKED is that when prepping to do any punch - ins the instrument volume and other controller settings are easily made to match the punch-in point. We don't want to be prepping to play a punch-in with CC:07 re-set to 101 if the punch-in point has cc:07 at 40. When it's working correctly, as it is now, and with > UNCHECKED > Zero controllers when playback stops, playing "through a series of controllers" and then going back to a different controller level on the time line, immediately picks up the last or current controller sitting at the new starting point. No need for it to be a series or even a new entry. When it's working correctly, Chase back will find the most recent / previous on the time line, even if it is 6 minutes previous and that is with Zero controllers when playback stops > UNCHECKED. Sonar 4 and previous, it used to be called: (from the Sonar 4 manual) "Patch/Controller Searchback Before Play Starts If this option is enabled, SONAR searches for and sends the most recent patch change, wheel, and pedal events on each output and MIDI channel before starting playback. This ensures that all these settings are correct, even if you start playback at an arbitrary point in your project. " Zero controllers when playback stops has also been around forever. The only new part of it now is that it will chase midi notes also, if we opt for it.
  17. Hi there, I recently started seeing Sonar Platinum not searching back controllers in a few projects - CC07 in particular, but also other controllers that I have midi learned. My typical settings ( P> Project > Midi ) are: UNCHECKED > Zero controllers when playback stops CHECKED > Midi event Chase on play CHECKED > Include note events I ALSO tested tested one of the same projects in CbB and the results were exactly the same. Example: On a midi piano track, the song has CC07 at about 90 from the beginning to near the end and at the end it changes to about 110. Not a ramp up to 110 ... just a 110 dropped at a bar line. I play from 1 bar before the CC110 and the piano volume changes from 90 to 110. *** I back up to a few bars before the CC110 change but the piano doesn't go back to 90 *** i.e. unless I back up to a place on the time line where there is a CC07 at 90 that can be played through. In other words, the constant CC07 at 90 isn't being seen, unless there is a new entry of that value that can be played across. SO, I saw the same behavior in Sonar Platinum and also CbB. I messed with the settings, in Platinum, of the 3 mentioned above - Checking and un-checking the boxes and replayed the test area, and then it started working correctly, in both Platinum and CbB ... after I re-set to my usual settings which are: UNCHECKED > Zero controllers when playback stops CHECKED > Midi event Chase on play CHECKED > Include note events So I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this happen and if there's a more predictable fix that just randomly checking and un-checking the boxes. Thanks! Steve
  18. Line above is not found. Does anyone have a current download link for this? Thanks!
  19. Thanks Skook. Correct. The first one is from a 2018 build of CbB. Documentation link is helpful. Thanks.
  20. There's a drop down menu under the new one showing items that can be selected and de-selected that isn't on the old one. This seems to imply more functionality or the option to limit functionality, but why and what are some examples of use with some things not checked? What would I select some items in the drop down and not others to accomplish different tasks?
  21. I'm just hoping maybe some one will tell me what the new one can do that the old one couldn't do?
  22. Not sure of the version. BandLab sign in credentials. I'll update to current as soon as possible.
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