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About Steve_Karl

  • Birthday 03/23/1951

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  1. I don't assume using an envelope necessitates of having Write Automation On. I often just insert an envelope and manually drop nodes on it. If it's a simple track it's often faster for me to do it manually. The downside with using write automation on, for me, for the (first post) intended use, would be you have to be *playing* the track while making the knob changes, which I'd never be doing while tweaking the EQ or FX - not to mention the excessive amount of nodes generated when using Write Automation. Write Automation On and playing the track works great, for me, volume changes on a more complex track, but that volume envelope, written on the fly, most always seems to need fine tuning and cleanup after it's done.
  2. Understood. It seems my best option is to snapshot every change. That doesn't create an envelope so I can tweak those later during final mix. I think we can call this solved.
  3. Greetings, During the process of recording a guitar track . . . I'm just wondering if there is a way to do a snapshot of *ALL* track parameters, i.e. without having to right click on each and every knob / fader and choose "automation snapshot"? My mission is to emulate the recording process I ~used to use~ on analog machines, where during recording and when punching in again and again, . . . in between takes I'd be tweaking the EQ slightly - then punch in and record a bit until I needed to stop to figure out what comes next, and during that ~figuring it out~ . . . I'd also be tweaking the EQ on the console (which or course got recorded to tape) . . . so I'd end up with a track that had subtle EQ and or FX changes that got recorded. Any ideas of how this can be done without having to remember to snapshot every control after making one change? Thanks! Steve
  4. Typically 3 to 4 lanes. CC07 - CC11 - Velocity - and sometimes CC21 . . . but I think OutrageProductions has found it so no need to post an example here. Thank you!
  5. Thank you! That would seem like it is what needs changed. I set it to about 50% and saved the project. Time will tell over the next few days.
  6. Hi Greg, Yes. the N key. I'm totally familiar with what I'd call *normal* SNAP functionality, in PRV and also Track View, and how to change the resolution in both. I usually have it set to Snap To and Measure in Track view and Snap To and 1/16 or 1/32 in PRV - depending on the song. Sometimes it's 1/16th or 1/32 Triplet when swinging. When I'm moving notes or groups of notes in PRV that need to maintain their real time 'off the grid' performance I'll set it to Snap BY but always go back to Snap TO after a move like that. > > I was thinking that possibly it's a NUDGE setting? < < As best as I can describe it right now, what happens is that when using the Smart tool, and (I believe) when snap is disabled, and my intent is to slightly move the note a little bit to the left, as soon as I push down on the note and begin to move it, it leaps to the right - seemingly (a guess here) about the distance a 1/4 note or more. I'm usually zoomed in quite a bit so possibly seeing less than a full measure on the screen, so that automated jump to the right is very jarring. Maybe this better description will help someone know what I'm hoping to disable?
  7. Thanks John, I'll have a look at the snap settings. I may not have ever tweaked them in CbB and there might be something I've overlooked.
  8. Thanks Giorgio - yes, I'm aware of shift to lock position in time while moving vertically. Shift also locks pitch when moving a long distance along the time line forcing a maintained same pitch.
  9. Greetings everyone! I hope your holiday season was great. I have a question about moving notes in PRV. I suspect my version is close to current. Often, when I grab a note to move it, it jumps way off to the right as opposed to just staying still so I can move it where I want. It's not the typical snap to grid. I know that one and that's OK. Is there some kind of "helper" trying to tell me where it thinks I want the note to be? If so, then how can I disable it? If it's not called a helper then what is it, and how do I turn it off? Thank you! Steve
  10. Thanks. Interesting work around. I'll keep it in mind.
  11. Hi there, Is there a way to do a snapshot of the whole pro channel EQ ? - i.e. every control of the EQ - - - - - - as opposed to having to right click on each control and do the snapshots individually of each control? Thanks! Steve
  12. I don't think it's misreporting the numbers. It's just that the box is too small to hold 3 characters. A quick fix would be to force the characters to justify in a way to show the last 2 as opposed to the first 2. Then we'd see 00 for 100 and 01 for 101 etc. That way no need to resize the box.
  13. Yea. Also not an issue in Sonar Platinum 2017.01 - the last version before the PRV change.
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