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  1. Recently I purchased WIDI wireless MIDI. My set up, Laptop running Windows 10 running Cakewalk by Bandlab latest version. I am playing MIDI files into Roland Fantom XR WIDI wireless MIDI causes timing errors, stuck notes and wrong pitch bend executions. When I contacted WIDI tech support, they told me to change the MIDI device driver from MME to UWP. When I do that, many of tracks are playing wrong instruments particularly on Channel 4 and 5 but also on other channels. I have installed all the INS files for the Fantom XR instrument sets. Although I have MOTU 896MK3 Hybrid for audio recording, for performance, I use strictly MIDI 16 tracks to trigger/play the sounds from Fantom XR What is going on? Any ideas? Noah
  2. I followed the instruction of installing Sonar 8.5 in the 64 bit version and installed the pantheon too but it still does not show up in my Sonar by Bandlab. What I am doing wrong.? I badly need the Pantheon reverb. Please help.
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