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Everything posted by M@t

  1. You probably meant; delete the .vst3 file VST2 = .DLL VST3 = .VST3 I prefer to use vst2 version of plugins. Even though I have no specific cases to prove it, but vst2 seems to be more stable on my system (Win 1607, offline PC, no updates to windows, running minimal services).
  2. The free Polyverse "Widener 2" plugin is really nice as well though it adds the widening effect (which can be set from subtle to extreme) which I find suits a lot of guitar tracks and is mono-compatible.
  3. One specific example where this would come in handy for me is time/phase aligning multi-tracked drums. I might be shifting snare-top and bottom to match and then 'at the same time' be aligning the overheads to work with kick and snare. This means shifting back and forth several times between offsets which sound best. Here it would be great if one could for example undo the last (1,2,3-10) changes made on say the overheads. As these are usually stereo and put in a group it would be ideal if this type of undo would also keep track of changes made within grouped tracks. The undo protocol only allows chronological undo which to me sometimes is a pita. Anyone else experience this or is it just my peculiar workflow..
  4. I am wondering, and have two questions: First: RX11 has been released meanwhile, so does that mean one would get it if one get's the upgrade now? Second is a bit of an unethical question: Anyone dare to make an uneducated guess if iZotope's upgrade-eligibility-checking works better than it did. I seem to recall people being able to use this kind of upgrades even if they didn't have the necessary previous version. (I've got MPS 5.x and might want to risk getting an upgrade I'm not entitled to ?). Most plugin resellers are offering the MPS 6>6.5 for about ½ price of the official iZotope price and the loyalty offers in my iZotope account didn't show any offer for MSP any version>6.5 untill yesterday. Sadly at around € 330 this is above my budget and none of the resellers seem to have this upgrade path available, let alone at a further discounted price.... Any thoughts? Wait for BF or similar deals?
  5. M@t

    rapture pro

    Hi Pekkam, you should place your question in the Instruments Forum section. I can tell you that it should work though, as I recently installed both latest CbB and Rapture Pro from the old CW site and it works.
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