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fret_man last won the day on June 30 2021

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  1. Vinyl noise often got worse as the signal got louder. Maybe they need to input to get more realistic results. I have no experience with REAL tape noise so not sure about that.
  2. This is one reason for me to WUP. Waiting for a few more.....
  3. AudioDeluxe is one of those places where you'll want an account. I've bought quite a few goodies from them. They have good deals.
  4. Oooh! I've NEEDING this for quite a while now. The cheapest seems to be $94 when completing the Evolution Acoustic Bundle. $87.42 with my orange slices.
  5. Kontakt 7 seemed very short-lived to me.
  6. Komplete 15 including Kontakt 8 - Pre-order available now. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/komplete/komplete-15/
  7. Since the original VB3 and Blue3 are not currently available then it appears IK's B3-X is the undisputed king/queen.
  8. For Finale users it's only $200 but, still, I get your point. OTOH, it's an amazing piece of software.
  9. Thank you for your insights. I couldn't find Blue3 anywhere on the Cherry Audio website, which is why I linked the old GG Audio website. I hope Cherry didn't abandon it.
  10. So, maybe this isn't the right forum for my EastWest question, but does anyone really like EastWest sound samples? I haven't used it much but I've used their Hollywood Harp as a solo instrument and the samples are noisy. I strike a note, wait for the sample to decay, when it does a veil is lifted. I hadn't noticed the noise until it went away. Very distracting. It's not useable as a solo instrument (but probably fine in an ensemble). I've used their Hollywood Solo Violin as a solo instrument and the bowing length is not long enough (~1.5sec as best I can tell). But maybe this changes with velocity or bowing style/articulation. I don't know. Again, in an ensemble it may not make a difference, but it prevents me from getting a long decrescendo ending. So, my 1st two EastWest trials haven't been very encouraging? Thoughts?
  11. Apparently Finale is 35 yrs old while Dorico is only 8 yrs old. So, it makes sense that the older code base is more difficult to support and upgrade, which appears to to be the primary reason for the abandonment. It's too difficult and expensive to keep it useable for future OS and hardware technologies compared to their competitors. It's a competitive issue. Even though Finale can be downloaded and authorized for another year, the writing's on the wall - even if I get a DRM-free version. I may has well go ahead and start using Dorico sooner rather than later. I've used MuseScore quite bit and there's a lot lacking compared to Finale. Still, for basic, uncomplicated notation, it's fine. Some of it is intuitive. Some not so much.
  12. This used to be THE B3 to get and for a long while felt abandoned while the author went on to hardware designs. Glad to see he's back. Any comments on how it now compares to Blue3 or IK's B3, or perhaps another?
  13. This sounds really nice. They picked a good drawbar setting to use.
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