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  1. The Black model is available now... but the colored models, including BLUE(!) are all presale right now. They seem like good solid units, and the colors are fun!
  2. Double thanks!! I went ahead and just decided to get it right before your reply. Installed and activated. I have Melodyne 5, Revoice and Vocalign, but I have been waiting for a semi-affordable deal on Auto-Tune. Tonight... it's a DONE DEAL!!
  3. Thanks for the quick post Kevin, The link works, but I am nervous as to whether the crossgrade will work or not. Did your email actually say, "If you've bought any of the plugins below you get Auto-Tune Pro X for $175... Offer ends 3/27/2023" or was that your paraphrasing/assumption. I'm just tryin to be sure before I throw $175 (plus tax) at them.
  4. I'm not having any success finding this deal. Is there a coupon/redemption code... or a special link for this offer? I checked my antarestech.com account to confirm I purchased AUTO-TUNE EFX+ ... but I cannot find a link or upgrade to Auto-Tune Pro X for $175.
  5. I'm not the holdout.... IKM is holding out on ME. Like Larry, I am having no luck getting into Product Manager, the IKM website or anything. If IKM clears it up, the GB counter will go down by one cuz I'll be buying in.
  6. Yeah, something's messed up. I'm in the US and I haven't been able to sign-in for the last 24 hours. I've purchased almost every software product IKM offers. When I try to retrieve my password, it sure feels rude to receive the ole... "We couldn't find an account with that email address. Please verify that the email address entered is correct." I submitted a ticket. I hope they correct it soon or I won't be able to get in on the Syntronik GB.
  7. Thanks for the all the input and clarifications! Since the the APD deal expired, I just purchased the guitarcenter.com bundle (SM One and SM2.9). The sale is still going on... and I figure for only $20 more I can enjoy opening the 1,200+ presets (from SM One) in SM 3.0 when it comes out. I thought I read somewhere that SM 3.0 was suppose to be released 1st quarter - 2021. Doesn't that leave just one more day to get it done??
  8. Guitar Center is offering the SynthMaster 2.8 + SynthMaster One Bundle for $49+tax. Is this a better (more useful) deal than getting SynthMaster 2.9 for $29? I have read that SynthMaster 3.0 will be offered as a $29 upgrade for current owners. The names... the versions... the pricing... is anyone else as confused as I am? I'm pretty sure I want to get some form of SynthMaster, but I'm having a hard time deciding.
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