Problem solved.
-In Automation Lanes select Kontact 7 4 and click Choose Parameter
-A very limited list of controllers will appear, with white space at the bottom
-Scroll down through hundreds of empty slots interspersed with various controller lists
-The very last set of slots is Pitch Bend with 16 choices (for MIDI channels I suppose)
-Select Pitch Bend and OK
-Pitch bend will appear as a normal line in the Automation Lane
-The Automations works very well (it is the actual NI control programming instead of the generic special MIDI PW control and therefore performs more precisely)
I am using the latest version of Cakewalk by BandLab and the latest version of Native Instruments Sunburst Electric Deluxe guitar.
I want to automate Pitch Bend using Cakewalk Automation Lanes.
However, I cannot find Pitch Bend in any Controller setting.
Please help!
I am using Cakewalk by BandLab with the latest update. The system is Windows 10 64 with the latest update.
I set up the Control Bar with selected modules and with my desired order. I then clicked "Lock Module Order and Center." The command worked correctly.
However, when I closed and re-opened CbyB, the Control Bar reverted to its Default size and module order.
Very frustrating! Please help.
Hello all!
I compose and produce music. My album, "Classical Piano Compositions, Vol. 1", is on streaming services and is on YouTube here:
Take care of yourself in this strange time!
The problem is fixed.
I discovered that my VST Scanner was hanging up on an x86 UAD folder. It just stopped at that folder and never got to the Knifonium DLL. I removed the UAD folder from the scan and the scanner ran all the way through the list, eventually finding the Knifonium. The Knifonium then showed up in Cakewalk’s list and I was able to activate it.
Cakewalk Sonar by Bandlab will not find Knifonium. I am using the 2020-09 version of Cakewalk on up-to-date Windows 10 64.
I installed the Plugin Alliance Installation Manager.
I went to the Plugin Alliance website, logged in, and bought Knifonium.
I opened the Plugin Alliance Installation Manager and selected "Download and Install" for the Knifonium. The installation window opened and installed Knifonium into "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\VstPlugins". The file "Knif Audio Knifonium.dll" is in that folder on my computer.
My Cakewalk Sonar by Bandlab is set to scan "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\VstPlugins". I opened Cakewalk but Knifonium does not show in the list of instruments.
I have done all I know to debug this. Please help.