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About someoddmusic

  • Birthday August 1

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  1. My issue was Kontakt standalone was trying to load libjack64.dll . I'm assuming it was from an old Mixbus JACK driver install. After I deleted that I haven't had any issues with Kontakt 7 standalone starting up. If reinstall etc doesn't work, it might be a similar zombie driver situation.
  2. You can move the library folder in Explorer, point to that location in Syntronik 2 settings and rescan. I suggest moving the root library folder to keep everything together; I've never had an issue doing it that way. I believe after that Syntronik 2 will install to the new location but I'm not 100% sure.
  3. I have a registered Elements 10 I don't use. The only wrinkle is that you can only transfer the license from one USB-elicenser to another on the same computer AFAIK. I'm in Vancouver, BC if you're close enough to make it work. The upgrade from LE to Elements is not too bad though (it's $50 in the US Steinberg store) and then you can use your upgrade.
  4. The sounds are generally quite good but nothing you couldn't get out of most synths you already have. The expansions are just samples of presets they have made with other synths anyway. Most of the exapnsions are aimed at EDM but you can always just keep the ones you find interesting. Don't hold me to this but since they're sfz I'm pretty sure they load in Dimension and Rapture Pro too.
  5. They also release an expansion or two with every Beat Magazine. I spent the better part of an evening downloading all the ones from back issues ?. If you have a Platinum Plus sub you already have access to all the ones in the Novation bundle.
  6. Had this happen a couple of years back. XLN Audio used to have the same problem but you could deauthorize the "old computer" yourself online. Got in touch with Waves and they reset the licenses for me. You used to get one free reset per license per year. Not sure if that's still the case. But, yeah, their advice was to use the USB stick going forward so they were aware of the possibility of the hard drive disappearing.
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