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Nick Blanc

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Nick Blanc last won the day on December 14 2022

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  1. Yes, we are back! I wish I could say it was great recording, but we had to record 3 times due to technical issues (and a dumb mistake by me selecting the wrong channel to record). But we got it done. The process was as fun as ever.
  2. Exploring the rougher side of the SOMA Pulsar 23, but with the melodic touches you're used to from me. I was a little frustrated because Ableton decided to crash, the recovery didn't work and I forgot to save. So I lost a couple of hours and had to start all over again.
  3. It's not entirely different form my usual jams, but it certainly has another energy. Much more percussion and drums, so more like the tribal techno from the beginning of the '00s. But with a dark twist from the moody en growling Sub37. Man that thing bites. SOMA is also represented with the Pulsar 23 and that 'sheeny' drone from the Lyra-8. Great stuff.
  4. Again, no such luck combining our schedules, but Inge could make it in afterwards to record something. I'm not a recording engineer, we are not professionals and this was out attempt at creating doubles. Which is pretty hard to do if you improvised. So, with a little bit of software magic and an, in my opinion, cool studio jam with lots of distorted drums, we have a very cool track!
  5. At over 100 jams I'm beginning to lose all creativity for catchy titles. So yes, it's techno, it's relatively hard (the Pulsar 23 does the heavy lifting), it's analog (except for some swooshes and a choir sample in the break). So as usual, enjoy, I most certainly did. Finally somewhat happy with the camera angles. I'm getting there.
  6. I don't know if that's a genre. Not really things that go together most of the time. But it kinda has that vibe.
  7. This one came together a bit difficult, but the endresult is pretty good in my opinion. The Subsequent 37 really shines during the break. No Inge live, but luckily she had a free sunday, so she came by and recorded some vocals afterwards to spice it all up. I did mess up the camera angles a bit, nothing had entirely in frame what I wanted and 1 was pretty out of focus. So I need to check what settings I messed up. Well, still learning!
  8. We're going long this time! All the more time to enjoy the lovely vocals from Inge. We had a couple of practice runs to figure out the right placement, hit record and off we go! I didn't plan the melody I was playing on the MS-20 but Inge matched it perfectly.
  9. This is the suspected (by me) trickery that's going on. Thomann Europe has it listed at €311. Not quite in the middle, but somewhere thereabouts. In Europe this stuff is never on sale. But the list price is lower.
  10. Phew, I was bit worried about the order for a second 😝. Thanks!
  11. Is it techno, is it melodic, is it industrial? Why not all. Trying out some new sounds from the Pulsar 23. Some live playing. Live arranging. Still getting to know the new camera's. My Pixel didn't record because of the clamp, so I'm replacing that. I still didn't found the time to setup my patchbays and it will probably take more time than I would like. Enjoy!
  12. I'm a bit in the same situation. Haven't bought that much besides the some 'must have' (whatever that may be) things. Where as before I would buy every 'vintage emulation of this rare 60s pre-amp'. Making a lot of music (weekly jams and other projects) made me aware of things I acually use and the kind of thing I use. As I found out, I don't use so called coloured EQ's that much. So, those are off my radar. As I found out, I keep coming back to the same (coloured) compessors I already have. So, those are off my radar. Etc. I'm not off the train, I'm that loose wagon at the end that falls behind and catches up every so now and then.
  13. I have some new gear and still some new gear to setup. I had planned to setup my patchbays for my FX pedals, but I had some cable issues so I had to postpone that. But I did manage to setup my new cameras. I've got 2 Panasonic Lumix G80/G85 with different lenses. I'm still learning but the basics are there. It will at least get me some better quality thumbnails I think (except this one 😅).
  14. Nick Blanc


    It has a funky, almost frenchhouse vibe. Cool. My advice, make the 1 downbeat more distinct. I walked away to grab a coffee and when I came back I had trouble finding the 1 (out of the 1 2 3 4). So I was basically listening to another song 😅
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