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Paolo Porro

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Everything posted by Paolo Porro

  1. @Nigel Mackay, @scook, I was able to follow your instructions, thanks a lot again! Of course it's not ALL ok, infact I can't find the SI-Drums under "Instruments" in the Plugins menu (only under "FX"), I can't understand why. I tried to check all folders, but I still don't know why I can't see it, do you have any suggestions? Thanks in advance In the meanwhile, I'm using a plugin I found some days ago called "MT-PowerDrumKit", in order to verify if now my midi drums works (and it works!)... it's all ok, except for the fact that I can't adjust the kick volume: I can turn it up and down while the midi/track is playing using the Mt-PowerDrumKit mixer, but when I stop it, the volume is back to the starting level and I can't understand how to change it definitively
  2. Thanks a lot guys,I'll try soon and let you know if I'm able to follow your instructions ?
  3. Hello everybody, since I'm probably the most unable of the Cakewalk user, please forgive me immediately for my basic question. I also don't know if the title I gave to it is really correct and if it's really pointing out to what I need... Anyway, I'm really new to home recoding (it's a week I have Cakewalk installed...), and I will use the software just in order to record some sample for my bandmates. This is my problem: I use to write songs and tab them using Guitar Pro, so I already have drums and bass tracks written that I can export as MIDI tracks. So, once I have exported singularly a drums midi track and a bass midi track and imported them in a new Cakewalk project, it would be cool to assign some "real sounds", but I really can't do it. Substantially, I don't have to write a drums or a bass part using a map, I've them already done: I need to "transform" them in something "real", just to gave the best idea of the song. I don't know if this helps, but above is what I can see in the new project and in the piano roll (this is a drum midi already imported in the project). Since now, a friend of mine helped me recording some material with GarageBand, but I can remember a simple midi drag and drop to get an automatic assignment to various parts of the drums set (kick, hi-hat, snare, etc.), but this doesn't seem to be possible with Cakewalk. Hope my question is clear, I'm sorry if I can't use any technical term to better explain contents (really a total newbie)... if someone of you can show me how to do, many thanks in advance!
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