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Ted Raven

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  1. So I take it, that you are not going to implement DAWproject into Cakewalk to get in touch with the outer World?
  2. Hi How great are chances that Cakewalk Sonar will support DAWproject import and export soon?
  3. I completely forgot that I opened this thread. So, I e-mailed the support. after a bit of e-mail correspondence ich which I explicitly stated that I am using Cakewalk by Bandlab, I got the answer that I should be aware that Sonar X2 is not being supported anymore. WTH? My reply, that I am not using X2 but CbB has been ignored since. So no help from the support. If Cakewalk wasn't the DAW with by far the best MIDI implementation I would switch to another one.
  4. Where can I post bug reports? Is this the place? Will questions be read by (or forwarded to ) Cakewalk developers? The USB issue is a serious problem and will make it impossible for me to use Cakewalk anymore. Actually I am currently pausing my work in hope for a bug fix. If needed, I will not hesitate to provide whatever information I can.
  5. My info box displayed the text "2020.10 #1", nothing more, nothing less. There was no information about early access.
  6. 2020.10 is an early access version? Thanks for this information, which I did not receive prior to or while updating. Do you know how to prevent Cakewalk/Bandlab Assistant from installing early access versions?
  7. Thanks but nope, there is no hidden dialogue box. And I won't reinstall CW. If I do so, I will have 2020.10 on both PCs, and if it indeed is an issue with 2020.10, I would have the problem on both PCs. I always update CW on one PC, test it, and then - if it works well - update the other PC.
  8. Thanks for your reply. I tried this but it did not solve the problem. Actually I did not really expect it to, since it does not happen to a certain device.
  9. Some of my USB devices are not being recognised by Cakewalk, though they are present and active in the device manager (Win10 Pro 64, CW 2020.10). When I disconnect one of these unrecognised devices from its USB port, Cakewalk does actually recognise that it has been disconnected and suggests to reroute the MIDI ports (which obviously have not been routed before I disconnected the device). After reconnecting the device, it is being recognised by Cakewalk but therefore another USB MIDI device won't be recognised anymore. When I disconnect and reconnect the latter, the first device is not listed as active anymore. A vicious circle. It clearly is not a certain device that won't be recognised by CW. I have to admit that I have quite a few USB devices, as there are a sixteen port MIDI interface (with six ports deactivated in CW), four synths connected directly to the computer's USB, and two controllers with direct USB connection. All the ten synths connected via the sixteen port interface work fine, while at least three of the directly connected devices are inactive or not even listed at all. So I have a maximum of thirteen devices connected to four USB ports I can use at the same time instead of sixteen devices connected to seven USB ports. I do use a USB hub (active) but there does not seem to be any rule if the devices are connected to the hub or directly to the PC.
  10. This is a strange issue, since on both of my PCs (CW 2020.09 and 2020.10) I can open WRK files and play them, just as any CWP file. Have you tried to uninstall Cakewalk and reinstall it?
  11. When I choose a MIDI track and right click on the patch selector at the left of the screen, an error window appears that claims that I tried to execute an unsupported action. Furthermore, this dialogue cannot be closed. Also this happens, no matter whether a channel, bank, and programme have already been selected or not. Please have a look at the attached video. My CW version is 2020.10. Cheers Ted Edit I just did some research. Running Cakewalk on another PC with CW 2020.09 installed, the patch selector (or path browser) works perfectly well. So it seems to be an issue with the latest update. Both machines are Win10 Pro 64. 2020-10-25 11-41-00.mp4
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