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David Hall

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Everything posted by David Hall

  1. I appear to have it all sorted now. I've come from Cubase (which soon became tiresome) but never had issues with that. Appears that the web version I had problems with. Thanks!
  2. Well, quick test of Cakewalk and without knowing the program very well at all, I've succesfully recorded some guitar with NO distortion so I am delighted. Maybe the web version just didn't like it? No idea. Now I just need to learn the program! Learn how to easily put effects in etc. Also, if anybody has any experience of setting up an MDK Mini in Cakewalk I'd appreciate it! Thanks, David
  3. I thought I was! Mistake realised now. Sorry!
  4. Thanks. I'm downloading now. Sorry for being a thicko newbie! ?
  5. I'm a newbie and just realised that there appears to be two version! I've been trying out the web-based version which must be Bandlab. I'm now downloading Cakewalk which appears to be a desktop full package. I sound thick but am I right? And which would you recommend?
  6. Hi Mark - I'm using the web interface version so I don't have that option I'm afraid. Would you suggest I download a different version?
  7. Thanks CJ. So, the most recent drivers are installed (and reinstalled). As Focusrite Solo supports ASIO there are no settings to change there. So I'm stumped! I've tried audio through amic through the same interface and that is spot on. Going to try electric guitar and see if I have same issues.
  8. Hi, I'm new to Bandlab. I'm trying to set up my acoustic guitar through a Focusrite Scarlett Solo. However, no matter how low the guitar volume is or how low the Gain is turned down, it still sounds horribly distorted. Also, I can not see any waveforms in the monitor when recording but when I've finished, I can. Am I doing something wrong here? Input definitely set correctly as Focusrite. Thanks for any help! David
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