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Wayne Severson

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11 Good
  1. Thank you NIgel. I updated the original link with a video, just had to do it lol
  2. Version 2 https://on.soundcloud.com/VbRk5ZnNry6dnXUx6 The solo certainly takes you down a different path, thanks for the comments on the guitars New Vocal, added Backing Vocals and a touch of slide in verse 3, new mix of course
  3. Thank you, I've been adding some backup vocals, hope to not clutter it up any. The solo is semi live I guess, I noodled with some ideas to get started, then improvised until things went south. punched in to get me to the end and punched in that last lick over the 5 chord. It's a journey to the dark side of the dumpster. I'll add the new mix when I can.
  4. I just put this together over the last few days. I still have a few things to add and or replace including some vocal lines. Feel free to tear it apart or offer any input.
  5. It's been a while since I've used audiosnap and now I find the tab key no longer advances through the transient markers. Has this been changed?
  6. I recently noticed when I freeze midi tracks that the audio is about 40 to 50 samples late compared to the midi note. Superior drummer 3, Kontakt 5 for bass. Are there any settings that can help with this?
  7. This is one of those songs that makes me glad I stopped by for a listen. Spot on goodness!
  8. Believe me there are times when we didn't work together so well!
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