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  1. I want to take a drums midi track that has all the hits and separate each drum piece into its own take lane so I can solo/mute and export audio for each piece (snare, kick, ...). Also for the piano roll to only show the not of the lane that is active. Is this something doable? I tried to select say the kick notes and drag it to a lane but it doesn't do it. The way I can do it now is to create a midi track for each piece, copy all notes to all the midi tracks and for each track delete all notes and keep only say the snare to create a snare track, and repeat the process for each piece. Too tedious so I'm look for a better way. It would be cool if the piano roll has mute/solo control for each note.
  2. First pic what it normally looks like, 2nd pic when it 'disappear' you only see it in the time ruler but not in the tracks
  3. For some reason the Aim Assist line is shown as tiny dotted line and not visible infront of clips, so you have to look at the timeline bar and see a tiny vertical line there. It used to be a solid vertical line that is infront of all the clips so you can actual see. Did I inadvertently flip a setting somewhere.
  4. I got it sorted out! After setting the TLS regkey as above, I need to set the Internet Properties to use it, it was unchecked:
  5. thanks fot the info. Win7, internet is working good, no 3rd party firewall. Previuos version or two has always worked, but these last couple versions gave the internet error, when internet is actually working. I set the TLS 1.2 as shown in the link, reboot, still git the same mesage. btw do i need Bandlab Assistant still? i also tried offline activation but Product Center doesn't work in Win7.
  6. Installed but can not activate. Got these messages, when try to sign in I got the 2nd box.
  7. I have archived tracks with output set to none, seems logical to not route to anything. However it got detected and the annoying message at start. Is there a way to disable the "Silent Tracks or Buses Detected" just for archived track?
  8. I found that it's readily reproducible when the nodes are down below the -12 -18 -24 vertical ruler. Now some nodes values are more than 1 db off. The visual shape of the envelop remains the same however. The issue looks to me then the envelope not calculated correctly or relatively to scale with the display. Meaning you make a one db change in the region between 0 and -6db, move it down to the region -18 -24, the shape of the envelope remains the same so the -1 db change is now cover something like 2db graphically. hope it makes sense.
  9. @Will, This exactly. Relative level are then off in random spots, so now after moving the entire envelope, I have to go back and check every segment @Glenn. Thanks for checking, it occurs when you have more nodes/segments than in your example. In practice I typically could have a dozen or so segments, and if I ride the volume automation, there could be a lot more.
  10. so if my segments are 0 db and -1db, for example, moving the entire envelope down by 1db I would expect to get -1db and -2 db. Are you saying that it's not.? The unit here is db.
  11. hey guys, Bringing this up again to see if this issue is recently introduced or something on my ends. thx
  12. interesting as we speak, there is another active thread, and I copy the link here. It still said about background process. folklore is hard to squash, I suppose ? https://www.blades.technology/music/daws-sonar-and-studio-one/three-tips-to-optimize-pc-for-daw-use "3. Configuring the computer to prefer Background Processes over Programs. This one made the biggest "one item" difference."
  13. Anyone seeing this issue: If you select the entire volume envelope and move it, say by 1db, some section will move less than 1db, like .7 or .8. To test use envelope that has a bunch of nodes and sections. Not sure if this is 2021.01 could have been there since the last version.
  14. good to know. I've set this background process as well since way back and forgot about it and never could confirm that it does something or not.
  15. Assuming the CbB knows to give the system some CPU for system critical background process? I typically turn off network, virus, the internal sounds process when running DAW. Those in my experience have interfered with DAW. Updated to the latest version, been playing with the setting and so far I can't really tell if there is a different with MMCSS or not.
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