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Stefano Maccarelli

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  1. Hi Guys I've created this FB Group to follow me and all my libraries , present and future. I will post in this FB Group free upgrades, Tutorials, etc.. before the big Zero-G distribution. I Think its a nice idea To create an official page for the users and a FAST connection with me. If you like the idea, sign up! https://www.facebook.com/groups/5843254529028838/ Cheers Stefano
  2. Hey Guys, Stefano here, just to inform you that I've create this FB Group It's my OFFICIAL Ethera Gold - Elements Group. Where I post Tutorials, Free Upgrade..etc All before that these content will be released by Zero-G for the big distribution. So I think it is a nice idea to always stay in touch with me, and my libraries, in a fast and direct way. If you like the idea, sign up! Cheers https://www.facebook.com/groups/5843254529028838/
  3. Ethera Gold 2.5 is a so wide library. You can use it for underscoring, for trailer music, for video game musi, for film music. It's the perfect complement for you Orchestral Stuff: This is Just a New Demo Ethera Gold 2.5 ( In Orange). Ethera Gold 2.5 True Legatos, Vocal Phrases, Vocal Synth, Core Synth for all Hybrid Sounds, Duduk, Hybrid Strings, Ukulele, Buffalo Harp, Low Deep Hit, Hybrid Ethno Woodwinds. A Choir (Man, Woman) From Ethera Soul Edition. External Libraries: JADE for the Tribal Percussion Damage for a Taiko Ethno World 6 for a Solo Folk Violin. Viking Mood: On My You Tube channel you can found also the Tutorial of this Demo . Tutorial 03 Cheers
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