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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Today's deals had the emphasis on "Stupid"
  2. inspired by the new generation hardware synthesizers. The intro is €59 (reg. €150). No end date. https://www.synthblitz.com/spacetrax.html
  3. Includes 3DMark, PCMark, and VRMark for $8.99 https://www.humblebundle.com/store/3dmark-pcmark10-and-vrmark-bundle?utm_campaign=01_0550&utm_medium=paid&utm_source=facebook&utm_content=single_brandtag_frame_catalog&utm_term=retarget_catalog_purchase_targeting
  4. Strix Instruments has released EMISYNTH library for Kontakt (full version), featuring a collection of 11 rare Soviet toy synths from 70s and 80s. The intro is $49 (reg. $99) until June 6th and can be purchased via Plugin Boutique. https://strixinstruments.com/emisynth/ They are also running an up to 79% off Spring sale until May 10th. https://strixinstruments.com/
  5. And that is the Yamaha one that I had...it's like reliving the past!
  6. I've updated the OP with that link...a one step, rather than 2 step, process
  7. BUY ANY 3 TONE EMPIRE PLUGIN at $99 ONLY! Add 3 plugins to your cart and the price will change to $99 Can't find your favorite plugin in the available bundles? https://tone-empire.com/
  8. The License will be added directly to your account, and the Serial # will be there...just make sure you are logged in when clicking the link above
  9. FREE at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/4-Synth/7393-MSyn1mini
  10. That's actually a good thing though, because it means that if you buy one, then the resale will remain high...
  11. $1,349 on MF SDOT Hour (only for ONE HOUR) https://www.musiciansfriend.com/stupid?icid=210190
  12. Good point...I didn't realize that you didn't have the unit. Might be worth researching what getting one would cost, just for that reason, and then turn around and sell it again if you don't want to keep it, for the same price you bought it for...
  13. Ohhhhhhhhhh....I'd be finding those tapes and bouncing them digital just to preserve them! And then I'd have to import the tracks and see what I could do with them in Cakewalk!
  14. I had that one too...and a Yamaha one...and a Fostex one...and.....LOL
  15. 25% off Sampled from our 1960s Danemann Piano, the PSI Plucked Piano is a 1.5GB 88 key Multisampled Instrument for Kontakt 5.8.1 and above. 3 Mic positions: Ribbon (Coles 4038 pair) 414 (AKG 414 BULS) ROOM (Neumann KM184) Recorded at 3 velocity levels and then phased aligned to create a smooth and dynamic response. All recording took place in our 1600sq foot liveroom. This former cinema auditorium and has an arched ceiling and truly breath-taking acoustics. The recording chain is world class, featuring API and Neve 1073 Preamps captured flawlessly with Prism Conversion. The bespoke GUI allows simple but effective manipulation of the Plucked Piano to create a unique yet diverse compositional instrument. A stunningly deep, realistic and playable plucked piano for your productions 30 GBP https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/paper-stone-instruments/plucked-piano
  16. Not to be a stick in the mud, but isn't this contrary to your NDA Zo?
  17. I've been monitoring waiting for something "report worthy"
  18. On KVR - $375 Includes 14 Libraries: Iconic Bass Jaco Cherry Electric Bass Corebass Pear Slide Lapsteel Slide Acoustic Tinybox Mesawinds Passionflute Evolution Strawberry Evolution Dracus Evolution Steel Strings Evolution Modern Nylon Evolution Rick Evolution Stratosphere https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=564792
  19. Weekend offers up to 60% @ Rast Sound available for 48 hours only. See all deals, https://rastsound.com/deals
  20. I had an 8 Track player that looked like a Detonator...this one exactly...in the same color!
  21. FREE BITWIG STUDIO 8-TRACK: Modern music production, ready to go Produce, record, and perform like a pro with Bitwig Studio 8-Track’s lightning-fast workflow and substantial library of sounds. Record yourself, produce an arrangement, connect your controller, design new sounds, or just jam. Incudes 2,000 sounds and more than 80 instrument/FX/modulator devices, plug-and-play MIDI controller support, sync options & more. GET IT FREE This promo is valid until May 14, 2021. https://www.bitwig.com/reg/?promo=MTo0OWQ0MWExMi0wZDdlLTRjODgtODQwOS03MGJiODEzNjk5NWM6aS15MlVtYndhRmlCOVhXM091SnBkY3VHRXJv&utm_source=wnletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=vocal-special-nl8-bitwig-may-2021
  22. Even at the discounted price this had better be the be all, end all, of EQ's
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