Companies "egos" can be seen by their "Sales". Usually it shows up as "almost no sales" or in "sales with pennies off"
rather than the usual 50% or more off. Steinberg shows theirs by almost no sales. Presonus is showing theirs by
no longer having the the sales that they used to have (50% off). Now they only have, at the most, 30% off.
Fabfilter is also "in that boat", and some other plugin developers - their sales are rare, and rarely more than
30% off.
Having a GREAT product is GREAT! But you also have to remember that you've already sold to most
who were going to buy, so keeping prices "up" is NOT going to get you "more customers". But I guess
if you're going for the "exclusivity" aspect, keep existing customers in a state of dementia with "we have it
you don't" type thing...then I guess that works...