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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. That means that you would still have to have a splitter, and an 1/8'" TRS to 2 x 1/4" TS for most interfaces, Or just 2 RCA to 1/4" Ts cables....
  2. Ui Trailer Tools Loaded with 17 categories and 650 Wav sounds in a single package Ui Trailer Tools is an easy access to an artificial world of sonic possibilities ranging from large to small minimalistic Ui sound effects to futuristic sound design and production ready elements. In Ui Trailer Tools you can easily find the type of sound that you’re looking for in order to create that distant future feel for your next project. For movie sound design, sci-fi score, animation, video games, motion graphics and more. $49 https://www.sampletraxx.com/release/ui-trailer-tools
  3. Fruitymasterz released Hercules V2, a freeware virtual analog synthesizer in VST2 and VST3 plugin formats for digital audio workstations on Windows. Hercules V2 is an improved version of Fruitymasterz’s previously released Hercules virtual synth. The new instrument features an improved sound engine, an FX section, improved modulation capabilities, and several bug fixes. Feature-wise, Hercules V2 https://gumroad.com/fruitymasterz#dErPz
  4. $39 intro price https://audiofb.com/produto/ghost-in-a-drum-shell-blast-drum-trigger/
  5. That's a bad thing. If IK chooses to use RCA, which is still an older format for "Monitors" then you would think that they would include the cable because of that. Most people have 1/4" to 1/4" for their Monitors... but it is IK...so there's that!
  6. I think that the "RCA" jacks would be for RCA to 1/4" outs on your interface, which is usually the case on small to midsize interfaces. Due to the smaller size of the ILoud's, it would only make sense, and IDK if they Include the 1/4" to RCA cables or not...
  7. They get good reviews...I think Fleer has a pair!
  8. At B&H - $199.99 https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1403139-REG/ik_multimedia_ip_iloud_mmw_in_iloud_micro_monitor_pair.html
  9. $69.99 at B&H https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1430712-REG/auray_rf_c17_reflection_filter_composite.html
  10. Cage Bundle would be $74 with code https://8dio.com/instrument/cage-bundle/
  11. BUILD PEACEFUL VILLAGES OR BUSTLING TOWN CENTRES Close your eyes and imagine the manifold sound atmosphere of medieval places. Imagine farms with cackling chicken, the mowing of sheep, the noise of trotting horse hooves, the opening and closing of old doors and an axe chopping some wood in the background. In the cities and castles, imagine the echoes of distant persons, the shouting of street vendors, the rattling of iron chains and the constant hammering of the blacksmith. We have recorded the sound of this historical era for you with many facets. https://www.boomlibrary.com/free-sfx-may-a48pw/ 1.2% Off Full Pack which costs: Designed = $119 Construction Kit = $239 Bundle = $299
  12. AVA Multiband Compressor for $19 https://harrisonconsoles.lpages.co/witb-ava-mc-39x83/
  13. It runs in Kontakt full. You have to instantiate Kontakt on a track and then open Shreddage 3 FREE in Kontakt
  14. $134.99 with code 93XRD26 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/grey-beyerdynamic-dt-770-pro-over-the-ear/p/0TH-00JD-000K8
  15. Introducing KLANK Sculpt your tone with KLANK! Featuring 2 distortion modes, two shaping flavours, Graphic EQ, dual IR Loader with movable mics for ANY IR and a frequency based mix option you have all you need to get killer bass tones. Demo Available for Windows,Mac & Linux $19.99 intro price https://audioassault.mx/klank.php
  16. reTune gives you full access to the pitch content of your audio samples and enables you to map each input pitch to any other pitch of the chromatic scale – all in realtime $89 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/35-Pitch-Shifter/4186
  17. $29.99 on MF SDOTD https://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/tascam-th-200x-studio-headphones/j04052000000000
  18. Larry Shelby

    Melda 22

    Starts Monday MeldaProduction has announced the 22nd round of the Eternal Madness Discount 2021, offering 50% off 4 plugins every week. Getting started on Monday, May 31st. Deal of the week: MPhatik MVocoder MDynamicEq MModernCompressor https://www.meldaproduction.com/product/emd
  19. 29 Euro Intro Offer https://rastsound.com/downloads/deep-element/
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