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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Right..that's LITERALLY what they told me...
  2. JRR hasn't yet "joined the party" so to speak...will probably hop on the bandwagon later
  3. For better or for worse, modern music often just doesn’t sound like our favorite classic hits. That’s true partly because zillions of classic records were recorded on vintage analog hardware with the artifacts, non-linearities, and tonal imperfections that the digital era tried so very hard to stomp out. Retro Mix Legends takes advantage of Studio One’s unique Mix Engine FX processing to bring the classic analog sounds of three classic consoles to your modern desktop mix. Mix Engine FX is a proprietary signal routing technology that affects your music across all Console channels, rather than just in a single channel. These aren’t stereo bus plug-ins; Alpine Desk, Brit Console, and Porta Cassette are able to tap into individual signals from any channel to transform any mix with the State Space Modeled tonality behind the sound of classic albums from the 70s, 80s and beyond. $79.95 https://www.presonus.com/products/Retro-Mix-Legends
  4. Use code Clouds https://gumroad.com/l/bb_float
  5. https://rastsound.com/deals/
  6. That the Upgrade from Komplete Select/Kontakt on JRR"s site...not the update...at $399, which should now be $199
  7. Sonible did the same thing with SmartEQ 3. I just happened to buy SmartEQ 2 a week before SmartEQ 3 was released. When I inquired about the upgrade I was told that "The $29 to upgrade is a GREAT value and you should be happy to pay it.." Yeah...NO....
  8. At Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=8074
  9. Get 50% off Image Line Harmor until June 30th. $59 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/4-Synth/172-Harmor#a_aid=57ac3d39bf8f6&chan=GEN001
  10. Get 40% off Tokyo Dawn Labs TDR Limiter 6 GE until June 30th. "TDR Limiter 6 GE is a modern dynamics compression and limiting toolkit featuring six specialized modules that can be arranged in variable order. Together, they cover a remarkable range of applications from delicate loudness control, to brutal “brick-walling” and creative mix bus crunching." $30 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/9-Limiter/4654-TDR-Limiter-6-GE#a_aid=57ac3d39bf8f6&chan=GEN001
  11. I can get it for $72 with taxes...I've got $11 in points... now if I only had the $72...LOL
  12. Just the Empirical Bundle apparently
  13. https://www.softube.com/summer-sale
  14. Get 33% off Aberrant DSP SketchCassette II until June 30th. "Inspired by 4-track cassette recorders, SketchCassette II is designed to introduce a wide array of lo-fi effects into your mixes. From subtle warble to unearthed-from-the-attic destruction, SketchCassette II unlocks the full range of cheap tape sounds, while also offering the flexibility and control to push your sounds even further into total lo-fi weirdness." $20 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/53-Multi-Effect-/7024-SketchCassette-II#a_aid=57ac3d39bf8f6&chan=GEN001
  15. https://klang.cologne/klang21_free.php
  16. The new "Free With Any Purchase" offer from Plugin Boutique is Fat Channel XT from Presonus. Available with any purchase until the end of June. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/21-Channel-Strip/6387-Fat-Channel-XT#a_aid=57ac3d39bf8f6&chan=GEN001
  17. ADSR have announced their free with any purchase plugin for June. Get United Plugins’ FirePressor for free with any purchase until 30th June. https://www.adsrsounds.com/
  18. The future of synths has just been added to your All Access Pass: the ANA 2 Ultra Bundle ? And because you're already an All Access Pass holder, you get it FREE ✨ ANA 2 Ultra isn't just one synth—it's every synth you've ever wanted. You get: ⚡ over 400 insane new presets ⚡ tons of new wavetables ⚡ tons of new samples ⚡ 6 massive new sound banks ⚡ gorgeous new skins to give you tons of inspiration ⚡ new sounds dropping throughout the year—FOR FREE Whether you're looking for Eurorack, Sad Trap, Cinematic, Lofi, Modern Hip-Hop, or more—it's all here. Hundreds of new presets to make your music come alive. And there's more. You'll never need to search the internet for amazing new sounds, because we're adding new sounds to ANA 2 Ultra throughout the year. Spend your time creating, not hunting. https://slatedigital.com/installers/
  19. Great Rieger Organ is the updated version of the VI Konzerthaus Organ, recorded at Vienna Konzerthaus. It includes the Vienna Organ Player, an updated sample player with a user interface tailor-made for organ playing. Great Rieger Organ contains 116 stops for its five manuals and the peadal board as well as materfully crafted mixer presets. Get your introductory price of € 235 through June 30 (will be € 285)! Crossgrade: If you are a registered owner of Vienna Konzerthaus Organ, you are eligible for the crossgrade price of only € 75 (will be € 110) Please check for your personal VSL discount in the basket as usual and allow up to a working day for delivery of the crossgrade license. https://www.bestservice.com/deals/vsl_great_rieger_organ_intro_offer_3326.html
  20. Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/deals/vsl_up_to_40_off_all_pianos__keyboards_3325.html
  21. Get an extra $100 off If you already own a DAW but would like to switch over to the most intuitive recording software on the planet, the Studio One Crossgrade was created for you for *€ 189 only! Save $ 100 with the *promo code LETMECROSS and get Halls of Fame - Vintage Legends (value $ 99) for free! https://www.bestservice.com/studio_one_5_professional_crossgrade.html Important! After your order, please send the proof of ownership (invoice, registration card, serial number etc.) of your qualifying DAW to m.schmidl@bestservice.de Since Crossgrade products must be approved individually, delivery may take up to one business day - Only ONE order per customer possible!
  22. Introducing 'DECAY' - our biggest free pack to date. DECAY is a collection of gritty, aggressive Braam FX, ranging from Braam Hits to Braam Atmospheres. Enjoy! FREE for a limited time https://mammothaud.io/lp/get-a-free-sample-pack/
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