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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. nuVibrations has announced its Black Friday Sale. All products will be 75% off. nuSpin, a versatile image-to-sound VST2-Instrument for Windows with a full range of synthesis tools, normally sells for $100.00 and will be priced at $25.00 for the sale. Bonus: Customers who purchase nuSpin during this sale will receive a free upgrade to the latest Windows and macOS VST3-Instrument when it becomes available. All current media will be compatible with the VST3 release on both platforms. SpinTones Volume One will also be reduced by 75% and sell for $3.75. Win/Mac nuSpin VST3 Player (no editing) is available free for download, requiring only a basic registration to obtain a download link. Purchased content is compatible with all versions of nuSpin. https://nuvibrations.com/
  2. That 10% off makes Amp Room $41! That's hard to beat! https://www.softube.com/amp-room
  3. $219 at Vintage King https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwixy_edwbL0AhUDbG8EHd3nCOwYABAFGgJqZg&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2xxy37E1cRu6aYZzBSNlwRHPSDTVECHjKFGpgMx42iOiMcO44H6zUr6nwG5LJ9bYTNKabNE2lYwcpTOoZNe0&sig=AOD64_2aFe6x-SMCRtOLXx8-j7QWu94P8Q&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiKtu6dwbL0AhWkB50JHZxlClMQ9aACegQIARBF&adurl=https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwixy_edwbL0AhUDbG8EHd3nCOwYABAFGgJqZg&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2xxy37E1cRu6aYZzBSNlwRHPSDTVECHjKFGpgMx42iOiMcO44H6zUr6nwG5LJ9bYTNKabNE2lYwcpTOoZNe0&sig=AOD64_2aFe6x-SMCRtOLXx8-j7QWu94P8Q&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiKtu6dwbL0AhWkB50JHZxlClMQ9aACegQIARBF&adurl=https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwixy_edwbL0AhUDbG8EHd3nCOwYABAFGgJqZg&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2xxy37E1cRu6aYZzBSNlwRHPSDTVECHjKFGpgMx42iOiMcO44H6zUr6nwG5LJ9bYTNKabNE2lYwcpTOoZNe0&sig=AOD64_2aFe6x-SMCRtOLXx8-j7QWu94P8Q&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiKtu6dwbL0AhWkB50JHZxlClMQ9aACegQIARBF&adurl=https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwixy_edwbL0AhUDbG8EHd3nCOwYABAFGgJqZg&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2xxy37E1cRu6aYZzBSNlwRHPSDTVECHjKFGpgMx42iOiMcO44H6zUr6nwG5LJ9bYTNKabNE2lYwcpTOoZNe0&sig=AOD64_2aFe6x-SMCRtOLXx8-j7QWu94P8Q&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiKtu6dwbL0AhWkB50JHZxlClMQ9aACegQIARBF&adurl=https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwixy_edwbL0AhUDbG8EHd3nCOwYABAFGgJqZg&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2xxy37E1cRu6aYZzBSNlwRHPSDTVECHjKFGpgMx42iOiMcO44H6zUr6nwG5LJ9bYTNKabNE2lYwcpTOoZNe0&sig=AOD64_2aFe6x-SMCRtOLXx8-j7QWu94P8Q&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiKtu6dwbL0AhWkB50JHZxlClMQ9aACegQIARBF&adurl=https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwixy_edwbL0AhUDbG8EHd3nCOwYABAFGgJqZg&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2xxy37E1cRu6aYZzBSNlwRHPSDTVECHjKFGpgMx42iOiMcO44H6zUr6nwG5LJ9bYTNKabNE2lYwcpTOoZNe0&sig=AOD64_2aFe6x-SMCRtOLXx8-j7QWu94P8Q&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiKtu6dwbL0AhWkB50JHZxlClMQ9aACegQIARBF&adurl=https://vintageking.com/softube-volume-1-bundle-electronic-download
  4. That's good to know...plus BBC Core gives me an upgrade price to Pro...not that I'll ever need a 630 Gb Orchestra...YIKES!
  5. Trying to reach a conclusion here so was seeking some input with regards to Abbey Road One Orchestra as compared to BBC Core Orchestra... Any opinions would be greatly regarded...THANX!
  6. Right...I found the original link in the Facebook group, and the person who posted it had the $531 price... So obviously he must have owned something in the bundle that gave him a discount that he wasn't aware of... Or something...IDK
  7. This version still requires the eLicenser...and there's really no point in sitting on the code...as 12 is automatic once registered...and 12 wont' be out until next year...
  8. Minus VAT for those of here in that states and that's a pretty good deal I assume. but it won't let me see the price excluding VAT without going to Paypal...
  9. Nugen Audio Black Friday sale in now on until Nov. 30: 50% discount on Modern Mastering plugins, extensions and the bundle. The 50% Paragon ST launch offer is also still valid until December 6. https://everyplugin.com/deals/shopby/manufacturer/nugen-audio.html
  10. Plogue Black Friday, 50% on almost everything https://www.plogue.com/store.html
  11. Abbey Road One and The Ton get you Aperture.... Thoughts on AR1 vs. BBC?
  12. Try this one https://www.guitarcenter.com/Baby-Taylor-Promo.gc
  13. You're right...$374....I must have been confusing that with Albion One and BBC Orchestra at $269
  14. Bernard Herrmann is $369...for Mr. Jones https://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/a-z/bernard-herrmann-composer-toolkit/
  15. Live now...was a brief repose I suppose....who knows... I'm a poet and don't know it... My feet are Longfellows!
  16. Nothing..the clock stopped and now nothing shows
  17. I would think that that would be enough, but IDK
  18. Yep...I've been trying to get since I got Discover, and every time it's been "on sale" I was out in the cold...
  19. Most likely...they've done some REALLY goofy things in the past! They've FINALLY moved in the right direction...so I'm hopeful this trend continues
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