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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. suzumushi has updated the free SoundObject VST3 effect plug-in for Windows to version 2.0. Changes: Now supports headphones-based as well as stereo speakers-based 3D spatial sound. https://github.com/suzumushi0/SoundObject_binary
  2. FIRST WEEKENDER OF 2022 This deal on FILTER FRIEND will only come up once this year. $8.79 https://2bplayed.com/product/filter-friend/
  3. Get Deal $29.99 $299 BX-TOWN-2999 Use this voucher code during checkout! Offer ends January 9 - 11:59 PM PST https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_townhouse_buss_compressor.html
  4. Unlimited FREE Mastering! https://www.bandlab.com/mastering
  5. https://hofa-college.com/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=H-Co_WinterAktion_EN_Lookalike_Neujahr_hell
  6. Sonimus Special Offer - SonEQ2 modular equalizer plugin for Windows and Mac is 60% off - $51 instead of reg. $129. Ends January 15th. https://sonimus.com/products/soneq2
  7. This instrument isn't quite like anything you would expec. Explore the familiar sound of the piano in a completely new way, play textures, strikes, hits and sustained sounds including screws. Save 30% for a limited time only! $49.25 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/55-Kontakt-Instrument/3298-Deconstructed-Piano
  8. $5.50 and up https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=9409
  9. $209 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/55-Kontakt-Instrument/7783-AizerX-Modern-Designer-Toolkit
  10. ZAK Sound has releaseed Downtown Colors free virtual instrument plugin (VST3 and AU) for Windows and Mac. More freebies on the site. https://zaksound.com/downtown-colors/
  11. GuDa Audio has released Eko. Eko (swedish for echo) is an echo plugin with chorus, tape flutter, filtering, and saturation for a non static evolving echo. Delay time can be set freely or synced to host with all common timing including triplet and dotted timings: Stereo, cross stereo and ping pong mode. Stereo width to control left right timing offset and width of ping pong from center to hard panned sides. Tape flutter, emulates an unstable tape echo for a moving echo. Simple color knob that EQs the lows or highs for that classic filtered echo. Saturation is mild saturation to bring some grit to the echo. Chorus to bring width and no static-ness and at high settings a reverb like echo. Ducking, a smart side-chained compressor that automatically ducks echo sound and lets through original signal. The colors in the GUI can be changed from a range of color sets. Zoom in our out from 25% to 200% GUI size. Price: 19 $/€. - No separate download for full version, available for M1(pro/max) for Mac OS X 10.11 and newer in VST and Windows VST 64-bit. https://www.kvraudio.com/product/eko-by-guda-audio
  12. 40% off AudioThing Hand Clapper, now $12.60 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/audiothing-hand-clapper
  13. Get 50% off Urban Puncher from United Plugins Expiry: January 9th. https://unitedplugins.com/UrbanPuncher/?_fid=dhto
  14. Psytrance Plugins has released Gotcha 2, the second version of the .sf2 player plug-in for Windows (and now, macOS). It has all the features from Gotcha 1 and has added: Filter Envelope. Stereo Spread. Navigation Button. New Soundbanks. New Skin. MacOS version. Price: $25. https://www.psytranceplugins.com/plugins.htm
  15. $15 at the KVR Marketplace https://www.kvraudio.com/marketplace/va-raxs-by-synthblitz-audio
  16. All Vicious Antelope Omnisphere2 soundbanks are 50% off until January 15th, 2022. https://www.viciousantelope.com/presets-for-synths?Synths=Omnisphere2
  17. I ALWAYS keep the installers. I always have the last 2 versions available, so that, if necessary, I can MANUALLY restore the previous version. You can define the Download path in preferences, and always keep the installers
  18. Up to 40% off https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=9415
  19. Bundle is $15 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/el_clapo_bundle.html
  20. For this week only you can save 25% on Little Wooden Flutes! A soulful collection featuring an Indian Venu Flute, as well as several Native American Plains flutes recorded in a dry studio and large open sanctuary hall with a rich, natural reverb. We also included a wide variety of atmospheric pads and evolving textures for even more creative possibilities. You can order Little Wooden Flutes now for only $36 (Reg. $49) for one week only https://soundiron.com/products/little-wooden-flutes
  21. MPC Channel represents the latest Harrison digital signal processing platform ported directly from the MPC5 large format digital film console DSP and Xtools. MPC Channel is designed exclusively for large format film post production applications, designed in an intense collaboration with our many OSCAR and BAFTA-winning collaborators. MPC Channel is an AAX / Pro Tools compatible plugin that includes customized layouts for the Avid S6, S3, Dock, D-Command and D-Control surfaces. Instantiate 100's of MPC Channels on a system to recreate the Harrison MPC console processing experience in Pro Tools and/or across an Avid control surface with dedicated features such as EQ curve display and dynamics gain reduction meter. $1500
  22. You save a dollar by buying at Audio Deluxe and get the free license for Ozone 9 Elements
  23. The update will show over top the 3 line icon right under the Sounpaint at the top the screen on the left hand side. It will show as a red circle with a 1 in it over superimposed over the "3 lines". If you click the 3 Lines Icon a menu will pop down, and if updates are available, will appear there
  24. $20 https://soundpaint.com/products/guitar-bras-24-zitherette
  25. There are a lot of FREE UVI Workstation Instruments available. And some really good Libraries also
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