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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Run the UVI Product Portal to update
  2. Empirical Labs Complete Collection, Mike-E Comp, Lil FrEQ & Trak Pak for Console 1 Unlocked between February 25th - 27th https://www.softube.com/unlockable-offers
  3. $119 with code 93XSN83 at Newegg and a $10 Newegg Gift card https://www.newegg.com/beyerdynamic-dt-770-pro-grey/p/0TF-00D2-00002?Item=0TF-00D2-00002&cm_sp=Homepage_SS-_-P3_0TF-00D2-00002-_-02252022&quicklink=true
  4. ANY $29.99 Sale With this special sale, you'll get a total of three voucher codes. Each code knocks down any plugin in the sale to $29.99 when redeeming it during checkout – and is valid only 48 hours. Here is your first code (ANY-2999-1). This code expires 11:59 PM PST on February 26, 2022 ANY-2999-1 Products not included in this sale: Black Box HG-2MS, Brainworx bx_console AMEK 9099, Dear Reality dear VR MONITOR, PRO, Deskew Gig Performer 4, DS Audio Tantra 2, Knif Audio Soma, Lindell 50 Series, 902 De-Esser, Shadow Hills Class A https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  5. Our Birthday Present To You – 3 Courses for $18! February 24th is the 18th birthday of macProVideo.com. To celebrate, I'm offering the lowest price ever on single courses - 3 for $18 or just $6 each! You can also get a yearly Library Pass for $81 ($6.75 / mth). This Flash Birthday Offer is available for 48 hours only! When you buy a library pass to macProVideo, you support a bunch of artists just like yourself. We are a true family business that employees dozens of trainers, coders, designers, video editors, and other artists through our educational ecosystem. 18 years ago we pioneered online video training. Over time, Big Tech has tried to muscle us to the sidelines, but we still soldier on, and fight the good fight to bring you exceptional creative education. It's important to support small businesses like us. Every library pass goes directly to that goal - thanks for your support! 3 For $18 Coupon 18BirthdayMPV6 $81 Yearly Pass Coupon 18BirthdayMPV81 https://macprovideo.com/home
  6. $5.99 Get FreakQ 305 For Only $5.99 Exclusive Newsletter offer! Discount code: FREAKQDEAL FreakQ is an analog inspired non-linear equalizer that embraces the power of your DAW while delivering the sheen and warmth of analog. Changing the gain on an EQ band adds harmonics to the signal. This feature makes FreakQ 305 a very powerful tool, using the “Scale” control can exaggerate the effects of FreakQ 305 quite dramatically. And now you can get it with a 78% off for the next 48 hours using the code: FREAKQDEAL https://audioassault.mx/collections/plugins/products/freakq305
  7. All RX 9....I only have Standard and I had the update also
  8. Oddly, Studio wasn't among them! Maybe installing the update installed Studio?
  9. Black Oyster, Bubinga, Djentleman, Extreme, Grungy, Jazzy, Plexi, Reference, and Rock Custom. There were 9...but, to be honest, these may not have been installed, I don't know...but they showed I had a full amount of days to download and install them...so who knows?
  10. At this point I have NO IDEA what's right! I had 10 updated kits after updating to 1.5 The only ones that I didn't have were the 3 new kits Based on the above from IK's website, only the Custom Shop update is free... The whole thing is rather convoluted really, so I'm bowing out of trying to figure this mess out!
  11. Wow..this is one major CF for IK! MODO DRUM Custom Shop is available free and includes one of IK's most popular drum kits and the full power of the MODO DRUM engine. At any time within the program, users can choose new kits à la carte, make their purchase and expand their drum room in minutes. All new kits and cymbals instantly become available for making music and creating custom hybrids with the other kits they already own. There's One for Everyone MODO DRUM 1.5 CS is fully featured with all of the same controls and customization capabilities of MODO DRUM SE and Full. It includes the versatile Studio drum kit with 12 more kits available à la carte within the program. MODO DRUM 1.5 SE comes with 5 kits, including the 3 new ones, with the remaining kits available via the Custom Shop in the exact same manner as MODO DRUM CS. MODO DRUM 1.5 includes the complete collection of all 13 drum kits and is the best choice for demanding music producers and composers. Pricing and Availability All versions of MODO DRUM 1.5 are available from the IK Multimedia online store and from IK authorized dealers worldwide for the paid versions: MODO DRUM 1.5 CS Free –1 kit, the MODO DRUM engine, grooves and effects MODO DRUM 1.5 SE $/€149.99* - 5 kits, the MODO DRUM engine, grooves and effects MODO DRUM 1.5 $/€299.99 - all 13 kits, the MODO DRUM engine, grooves and effects Individual MODO DRUM kits $/€49.99 – available to CS and SE users via the Custom Shop Special Pricing Owners of MODO DRUM 1.0 and other qualifying IK products can log into their IK user account and add MODO DRUM 1.5 to cart to see the special crossgrade and upgrade pricing available to them, starting as low as $/€79.99 for the full version. *All pricing excluding taxes For more information about MODO DRUM 1.5, please visit: www.ikmultimedia.com/mododrum
  12. I sit corrected... MODO DRUM 1.5 SE comes with 5 kits, including the 3 new ones, with the remaining kits available via the Custom Shop in the exact same manner as MODO DRUM CS.
  13. I didn't get one either...I spotted it in my daily update check Nope..that's not right...if you have Modo Drums FULL then there should be 10 new kits there... Modo Drum SE 1.5 will have 3 kits there...the FREE Studio Kit that comes wit the FREE 1.5 CS, and 2 more FREE version you will also have to get the FREE Studio kit, which is the FREE kit
  14. Even Cheaper at Every Plugin $82.99 https://everyplugin.com/rackmode-signal-processors.html
  15. Ok...let me make this clear... If you ALREADY own Modo Drum then the upgrade to 1.5 is FREE! The FREE version is NEW and includes ONE KIT (Studio Kit) If you have MD FULL then there are 10 KITS under your "Sounds" in the IK Product Manager that you have to install, along with the 1.5 update. The SE Version gets 5 Kits - same scenario...2 old kits and the 3 New ones There are THREE COMPLETELY NEW Kits that you get when you upgrade your existing Modo Drums Full or buy or upgrade to Modo Drums SE Hopefully that resolves all of this
  16. There are issues right now that IK is attempting to sort out...be patient...they'll work it out.
  17. The Upgrade to 1.5 is free...it's the 3 Kits that they are charging you for...but the upgrade to 1.5 is free, and you have install the new Sound Libraries under "Sounds" in the IK Installer
  18. Cherry Audio is delighted to announce the release of its latest effects plugins, the Rackmode Signal Processors. Rackmode is a bundle of seven virtual effects and an instrument plugin that replicate the classic rack-mounted Moog Signal Processors of the 1970s and ‘80s. This exclusive collection is the first time this entire line of renowned analog treasures has been recreated as virtual effects. The eight Rackmode Signal Processor plugins include: Rackmode Vocoder (instrument and effects versions) Rackmode Phaser Rackmode Ring Modulator Rackmode String Filter Rackmode Frequency Shifter Rackmode Graphic EQ Rackmode Parametric EQ Rackmode also marks our latest collaboration with award-winning synth designer and DSP legend Mark Barton (MRB), who modeled the circuit-precise emulations based on the original rack-mounted hardware. If tracked down and purchased today, the original hardware would cost well over $20,000. Cherry Audio is introducing the entire Rackmode Signal Processors bundle at an unheard-of price of $99, less than $13 per plugin! Rackmode Signal Processors is available now at cherryaudio.com and authorized resellers worldwide. Visit our site for product details and extensive sound demos. https://cherryaudio.com/news/cherry-audio-releases-rackmode-signal-processors
  19. You could call it a buy 3 get one free!
  20. SOLO 1.2 Is Here! After almost a year in development we’re excited to announce the availability of SOLO 1.2! We’ve added MPE & Expression support, new presets and samples, along with a ton of improvements under the hood! Try the update for free from our official WeTransfer links below: Mac https://taqsim.wetransfer.com/downloads/b3c2498fd63a97a1f1cfc9f4f704984420220223174452/990f6f Windows https://taqsim.wetransfer.com/downloads/ca97411f90677837168439d3b1ca05b320220223175515/c6b789 SOLO 1.2 Release Notes Below are the release notes for the 1.2 update MPE Support Expression Support Increased Presets to 300+ New Samples from popular Oriental Keyboards Sound Engine Improvements and Optimization (Up to 50% More Efficient) Filter Responsiveness Improvements Glide and Legato Improvements Pitch Bending Improvements Modulation Table Improvements SoundFont Support Improvements Phaser Improvements Scale UI Improvements New Oscillator UI Delay Sync Ability to Set the Location of the Sample Library Re-voiced all presets
  21. All plugins updated Version 15.02 brings major memory and loading speed optimizations and a great number of other improvements and fixes (see all here). The update concerns all 112 plugins. But there are some that are even more visible. Get the new version here. Free of charge as usual. https://www.meldaproduction.com/downloads
  22. At Loot Audio https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/bela-d-media
  23. Check 'em out here https://www.bigfishaudio.com/weeklyspecials.html
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